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One 3d App to rule them all

Posted on: Thursday, 21 November 2013 @ 9:56pm
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More specifically

I had Quadrapop over earlier today and she was looking over my shoulder and critting the work I'd done on Red's hands so far.  I am aware the hand is the wrong shape and was planning on fixing that in Lightwave where I have poly modelling tools but after receiving the second degree I got motivated enough to attempt it in Sculptris (after firing up Lightwave and fixing the hands on the base models and putting the legs in Da Vinci pose while I was about it).

Quadrapop had in the meantime headed home so I dropped the following image into a group chat blaming her for the kick up the arse:

Makied hand after using Sculptris grab tool

That's probably a lesson in how not to use the grab tool.  I'm currently fixing it up now and will mangle do the same with the legs when I get there.  The reply I got to the text was:

Lol shame there is not one 3d app to rule them all that does ALL the things and is moddable to suit the individual's work flow

A very short discussion followed where I was saying monopolies were bad mmkay and she clarified what she actually meant was a program that you could plug in or kick out things to do what you needed to do.  I said Blender was supposed to be moddable like that but I currently can't be bothered doing the work on the interface to make it something I could work on without hurting my brain and I couldn't work out how to subpatch model in Blender.

Then I spouted:

i would like One App that had a workflow and was split like Lightwave (though there’s thought of unifying Lightwave, i was really pissed about it when i first heard about it, then more recently now that i’m better at this stuff i realised i don’t care if they unify it as long as the workflow doesn’t change too much and i can still box model) with a scupt mode as awesome as Sculptris that also integrated animatable sculpting/morphs like ChronoSculpt and had cool retopo tools like ZRemesher from ZBrush or BSurfaces from Blender and a dynamic paint mode like Blender or Sculptris but probably easy like Sculptris but that can update UVs on the fly and a rigging toolset that’s easy as either Genoma in Lightwave or whatever Blender has (haven’t tried but apparently good) and definitely less crashy than Genoma *deep breath in*

which didn't look like much on Messages on my iMac but actually turned out to be pretty long on the phones.  That was me in a hurry as by "box model" I meant "subpatch model" because I don't like box modelling much either.  I have tried rigging in Blender, it's supposed to be pretty easy but I'm too stupid to get it I think.  In the meantime I had completely forgotten about doing terrain and skies like Terragen or Vue and plants like XFrog or Vue.

Yep, I don't ask for much.

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