Freo heave ho...
posted on: Friday, 20 September 2013 @ 2:40pm inSo once upon a time (not really so very long ago, only a handful of years), JJ’s favourite AFL team the Fremantle Dockers made it into a qualifying final (and then got knocked out). I said that if they ever made it into the finals again, I would do the anchor in my hair.
They’re currently up for a semi.

I wonder if whoever it was got the idea for the Minbari horn crests while waiting for their hair to bleach

Had a new hairdresser who mixed an awesome shade of purple (I did manage to get a selfie with her in it but haven’t posted it because)

And taken with a proper camera. Didn’t end up getting a huge anchor on the back of my head as the hairdresser thought it would be unrecognisably blobby, but you get the idea. Maybe next time.
I asked the hairdresser to remember the shade of purple she mixed as after the side purple grows out I might get it on what’s left of the bleached bit of the mohawk, because it’s awesome.

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