!schooling 0000H04c - H09 | Jul 8-12
posted on: Monday, 15 July 2013 @ 12:57pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Right up at the beginning of the week we spent half a day out. Morning was pretty cruisy, and then fell over a bit as we ran late to get to Nanna’s and then slightly later again as the road I usually take was unexpectedly closed and I don’t know my way around the area well enough to reliably navigate around the roadblock (pulled in at a medical centre and utilised the trusty GPS). While I was in the meeting (which ran unexpectedly long) the kids played down by the river and made some new friends, 6yo with a pair of sisters aged 6.5yo and 4.5yo and 8yo with a gaggle of boys who were a few years older but they all played Minecraft so everything was cool (he apparently invited them over for a Minecraft party, I told him their parents would probably not want to drive out so far). Back at the grandparents’ they didn’t want to leave immediately so we waited out rush hour and Pop let them play with his walkie talkies for a bit.
The rest of the week was slightly chaotic as we’ve been doing a lot of running around with my sister, and the next week is shaping up to be more of the same. Think I’m going to have to give up on the weekly updates til we hit Christmas Island and things slow down a little bit (and I may even have a lot of photos to post for a change).

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