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Christmas Island: first day at the beach

posted on: Sunday, 21 July 2013 @ 7:03pm in

It was slightly overcast and we almost didn’t go thanks to a (relatively) minor allergic reaction I had to lunch, but we got there and it was good.

Cantilever and jetty from Flying Fish Cove with three cute kids in the foreground

Epic shot! Or at least one that I was really glad turned out good

Kids heading out to the water

Threw this one in just because it’s cute

We got home and had fried banana (except 6yo who doesn’t like bananas). There was an epic battle between 8yo and Sprat for the last one but 4yo had dibs as he’d just come out of the bath when it was served up and he’d only had one. He gave the remainder to 8yo as he wanted to save room for the pasta we are having for dinner and Sprat went off to her room to sulk :)

I am struggling a lot with 8yo’s laptop (which has Blender on it) because it’s refusing to deal with the Cintiq properly. It uses it as a display fine and correctly identifies Cintiq 12WX, but is insisting that the laptop screen is the Cintiq screen and while I can move the mouse to the Cintiq, if I put the pen on it leaps to the laptop screen and maps there and refuses to come down. I can just use it as a tablet but it’s driving me insane and making me want to just buy a MBP where everything I do will Just Work. It’s annoying because I was hoping to actually get some art done here instead of fighting with idiotic problems.

In other news everyone that I’ve managed to see in the 1.5 days we’ve been here seems fine and my kids are happy and settling in. We’ve designated tomorrow as “library day” purely because we need bedtime stories. Quite happy to be away from winter!