Studio fyn
posted on: Thursday, 9 May 2013 @ 7:22pm inMy loving husband has told me on many occasions that I’m certifiably insane. While not exclusively so a lot of it has to do with the whole trying to be a studio around homeschooling, webmonkeying, being the one at home so having to manage the house and all the associated miscellany.
Recently I decided to muck around with something or other (precisely what escapes me now) and while doing so I inadvertantly discovered that the rig I had built in Lightwave 8 or 9 and dragged through 10 to 11 had blown up. Not sure what happened but it’s no longer working. I was a little peeved, but happy to discover after a bit of mucking around to find out how it works, it should only take me a few hours or at least under a week with Genoma, hopefully (allowing for numerous crashes as Genoma on Mac is buggy or at least memory leaky).
The malarky with the rigs and the stop-start-due-to-constant-distractions has me yet again wondering if I am going to get anywhere near my ready-to-animate-first-ep-by-end-of-this-year deadline. Some people (weasel words ho!) including husband think I really should get help. I’m not sure where I would get help from, and previously I hadn’t known what I would accept help with as I feel very protective over my characters because they’re MINE dammit.
Now I know what I would like help with.
Stuff that definitely needs outsourcing
- voice actors (obviously)
- soundtrack/music/sound effects (because I am completely clueless, though maybe could fudge sound effects)
- tattoo designs for the Maori characters (currently two major ones, possibly some background ones but I haven’t really looked into it yet, and some future ones still in development)
Stuff I could use help with
- background characters (I’m quite happy to send out copies of the bases and for people to make their own characters as well if they want, the universe is going to be CC-BY-SA)
- sets (buildings, plants, fire hydrants, street lights etc)
- props (furniture, household equipment, weapons, etc)
- vehicles
- fashion design
- directing (I know what some of the scenes should look like, there are a lot where I’m hoping to not munge things)
- editing (I think that’s the correct technical term for film-putting-togethering :)
- producing (again, clueless, I’m going to be muddling along here :)
And I’m going to be pretty much relying on Anybody Else for advertising as I’m not doing much, just hoping it’s actually good enough for people to want to tell other people about it.
And now that I feel productive again, back to work I go!

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License