!schooling 0000E25c - F02n | 6-10 May
posted on: Monday, 13 May 2013 @ 8:20am inThis weekly stuff is tiring. Seriously who reads this anyway? May just start hiding them as I still kind of need to write them. Anyway.
Bit of a slow week this week as the kids all caught a cold and I spent a couple of days heroically fending it off.
The kids wanted me to teach them how to draw. Actually what they really wanted was for me to magically confer kickass drawing skills onto them. I told them they would need to practise a lot as most of drawing was getting your eyes, brain and hand to cooperate and the remainder was your imagination. I put out a few items on the table including a Duplo block which I deliberately angled towards them. They don’t like drawing things on angles, everything has to be STRAIGHT. Even 8yo who currently has slightly better spatial perception drew it straight, even though he drew all three corners that he could see (in a straight line rather than having the middle one come down slightly as it did in perspective). Almost forgot about maths bookwork. 8yo is at a stage in Dragonbox where it’s stopped pretending it’s a game and has presented him with actual maths, with cute graphics like it’s marker on nicely textured paper. 6yo is struggling with Dragonbox so opted for her book and is progressing extremely slowly with it (getting bored easily and I think it’s s getting a bit hard for her).
JJ and I discussed getting more maths books for a bit of variety. I failed at picking up a science workbook for 6yo from the bookshop because EVERYTHING is very narrowly focused on NAPLAN to the exclusion of all else. It was apparently supposed to just be an assessment tool to work out where a child was with literacy and numeracy so that anyone who needed a bit more help could get it. I don’t know what happened but I think it’s failing abysmally in that. May have to suck it up and order one online and hope for the best.
Kids did Reading Eggs on English night, and all of them checked out the new Maths Seeds program which is now open on trial to the end of the month, though I did warn 8yo he would probably find it boring. I started 4yo from the beginning of the program and both bigs did the placement test which dropped them onto Map 10.
As I said, quiet week. So quiet I forgot to post this. Kids are better this week but still coughing and 6yo is slightly lethargic still so will probably be relatively quiet this week on the bookwork front. They’ve been voraciously consuming Backyard Science eps and we had some fun with a water xylophone (three metal cups filled with different levels of water hit with a chopstick) over the weekend among other things.

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