There's a problem with your Google+ profile
posted on: Thursday, 18 April 2013 @ 5:16pm inDear Google
bek is part of my real name. I am currently running under the assumption that it was either my initials (of my real surname) or my handle (ryivhnn, which I use on Youtube, Artician, deviantART and as a username on the Diaspora pod I’m on, though the display name there is bek) that triggered WASPobot as I hope your code isn’t so defective that you would ping me for a string that was entirely your construction (all I did was choose that particular display).

I don’t like using my entire name on the internet. I’ve even changed my oh-so-professional LinkedIn profile which did have most of my name on it at one stage. I think your “real name” policy is stupid.
Thanks for not instabanhammering me at least. I hope your appeals process is capable of dealing with my partials. Otherwise thanks for the ride, it’s been mostly fun.
Sincerely bek
Update E08n/Apr 19:

I didn’t realise Google got to decide not only what a “real” name is, but that they also got to decide what you are “commonly referred to in real life”. I’m seriously starting to doubt the intelligence of whoever makes these decisions.
It’s all good, makes me about done with Google. All I have left now that’s being actively used is Youtube, Google Analytics/Webmaster Tools (only for work related purposes and for the one client that specifically requested GoogAnalytics, I will be shuffling the rest over to Piwik) and three Android tablets (next mission, find another Linux distro, or con JJ into building one) using my gmail/Google account to access the Play store.
Time to see if I can afford that second Linode to build that Friendica pod (which will have to be semi-closed unfortunately as I will only be able to afford the basic of the basic packages).

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