posted on: Sunday, 3 March 2013 @ 2:43pm in
I have this gorgeous little boy. This one right here. Recently, he turned 4.
The day he turned 4, I teased JJ about feeling old. We missed kung fu training so I could cook a sausage stew for his birthday dinner (JJ is perfectly capable of making sausage stew I think, but the kids seem to think he doesn’t do it right). He wanted to go to the zoo on his birthday but because it was on an adults at kids’ prices day, we put off to the weekend so JJ could come too.
They had a great time at the zoo, but we didn’t get any pictures of them as JJ was commandeering both cameras. Got some great animal photos though. He had a smallish birthday party with four friends, his cousin and the kids down the road and got all sorts of toys you can stomp on, things involving cars, and dinosaurs and sharks, all of which proved popular and are worming their way into random games throughout the days.
He fights with his siblings for Duplo to build things with (I think I need more), and anything shark and dinosaur is AWESOME.
With the turning 4, he’s officially a “kindy aged” kid. No longer a toddler. We are well on our way to “parents of school-aged kids”. He quite proudly informed me “I’m a big kid now, dat means I can do adult fings! I am four years old…” and then I completely lost track of where he was going but he went on for a bit longer. I still call him a Chubbabubba out of habit, even though he’s been a scrawnlet after he started hardcore toddling. He has to do everything the big two are doing, and has recently started specifically following 8yo around as 8yo being a boy and older obviously knows how to do “boy” things. It is the cutest thing ever watching 8yo walking around doing whatever and 4yo trotting after him emulating.
Sometimes he’s independent and sometimes he still needs to be babied. Sometimes he can do it by himself because he’s “a big boy” and sometimes he needs it done because he’s “only a little boy”. Even when he’s fully independent he’s always going to be my baby.

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