You will be assimilated...
posted on: Sunday, 13 May 2012 @ 11:51am inOr not. Short version, according to last night’s bizarro dream, there’s going to be a merger between “this” world and “some other dimension/universe” soon if it’s not happening already.
Now that I’m awake I’m wondering if it was Yet Another Incarnation of the Crazy Dog House, though I don’t recall seeing a cliff this time. One day I should probably try to explain The Crazy Dog House, which appears to be a stupidly large mansion not a doghouse.

Ian McKellen as Gandalf in Peter Jackson’s live-action version of The Lord of the Rings. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
“It” was going to be very dangerous apparently. I cannot for the life of me remember what “it” was. Myself, the guy that felt like a wizard and dressed vaguely like Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings movies and the grumpy dwarfish guy waited a bit for the lift to come back. The lift was this thing on the side of a building. When it opened and the occupants moved out, we made sure they didn’t see us ducking across the street and into the lift.
There was a “guard ogre” in the lift. The lift itself was a normal sized/shaped lift, but had a window in the back. I glanced at it on the way in and caught a glimpse of this piggish face with big tusks and then decided I was going to stay under the line of sight of that window. The dwarfish guy kept muttering about the “guard ogre” and the wizard didn’t seem particularly fussed by it.
At the bottom of the lift shaft, we got out into an airport like processing area, except it was unoccupied. We moved through the counters and picked up some stuff, and on the way through the sleeves of my shirt started changing colour. The left one turned red, the right one remained blue. This made the dwarf really anxious and he continued muttering about how the guard ogre was going to come after us if my sleeves weren’t the right colour. I looked at the blue sleeve, glanced back toward the lift while picking more stuff up (can’t remember what I was picking up, maybe just luggage), looked at my sleeve again and it was very slowly turning green. I reassured the dwarf guy that “it’s getting there” and we continued on through another door.
We ended up in this old looking town, though the building we emerged from didn’t look a lot different from the one we’d entered by (despite having gone down what I recall being a long way). We went to where we were going in the same building, and “Gandalf” told me I needed to get some candy. Apparently this was very important. So off I toddled to get the candy despite not having a clue how the currency system worked in this place. The money looked like those little papers that often get used to unsummon demons/monsters in anime. Fortunately, I had a child come along to help me buy candy.
We went to the shop down the road (a fair way) and I asked her to tell me what was good to get as I had no idea what was good around these parts. We picked out some candy, I paid for it and got the feeling we needed to act whatever passed as normal around here so I told the kid we’d go to the library once we finished shopping. She was starting to get really antsy for some reason and said from somewhere near the door that she loved the library. I picked up the candy and went to find her, and when I did we realised we’d forgotten something, so we went back to the counter to get it. When I got there I picked up this strange package that looked like it might contain a book, and while there also picked up another child who reproachfully informed me that I knew she liked doing “that kind of stuff”. I got the distinct impression of “get the hell away from dangerous person”, mumbled something about it having slipped my mind and hurried out to find the other kid.
She was extremely antsy. The sun was starting to set and people were starting to move in off the streets. The kid took off at a run back towards where we’d come from. I followed her. The candy was heavy and awkward (there were a couple that were about the size of French loaves) and I wished I’d done more work on lower abs (which were very sore when I woke up). As it got darker people were getting extremely nervous and hurrying indorrs and battening down the hatches. The doors were closing when we finally made it back to the building we had come from, the kid ducked in fine, I did a big dramatic movie entrance slipping in before they shut.
Apparently being indoors wasn’t enough, everyone was also holing up in their rooms. I spent a bit of time trying to comfort the terrified kid who told me there were monsters under the bed. I told her not to worry about monsters under her bed when this big inky cloud with glowing eyes smoked out from under her bed. I commented oh look, there was a monster under the bed, and had a chat with it. I guess it couldn’t help being a dream eater.
There was some dimly lit round table involving “Gandalf” and some other people. Can’t remember what the discussion was about, something about where the merge points were going to be between this place and where I’d come from. I pointed out that there might be some widespread panic and confusion on my end as a lot of humans weren’t used to dealing with non-humans in a norml fashion, but things should be alright as long as people didn’t go around picking fights.

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