Sometimes I wish I was interesting...
posted on: Saturday, 3 March 2012 @ 3:24pm inAside from a dialogue tweak to viii or ix, it’s been a good few months since I touched any of the last seven eps, which means it’s been a year or so since I touched the first seven. It’s that “done” that I’ve felt confident enough to send it to two people I trust implicitly to tell me whether or not it’s actually a load of crap, and if it’s not a load of crap, if anyone other than myself will be capable of understanding it (I’ve been doing it for that long it wouldn’t surprise me if there were patches where people would not have a clue what was going on but I know).
I threw a zip file at Sprat while we were still on Christmas Island and she powered through the first three eps and came up with a potential issue which I can’t even recall now but when we were discussing it I think it resolved itslf into one of the very coincidences that occur in the story. I threw the (unzipped and after I’d made a couple of slight modifications) eps at JJ shortly after we got back from Christmas Island (more specifically shortly after I’d gotten and set up my shiny new computer). He read the first two eps shortly after I’d cautiously declared them done.
More recently I poked JJ about it and he tried to assure me that it was in fact good (low self esteem assures me he’s lying, even though I’m quite aware he will call it like it is and would actually tell me it was crap if it was crap) but it reads like a script (which is, strangely, what it is).
I ran it through my head a few times and eventually came up with “it’s too hard to read”. I guess it’s fair enough, he works full time, prefers reading novels and lately has been watching a lot of movies. Sprat also works full time and has her own project that she’s working on. I’m trying to be a bit patient about it, their responses aren’t exactly blocking me from proceeding as it’s not like I need approval to continue. I could blithely storyboard and 3d on and continue cobbling this thing together. However (and this is probably just a stupid me thing) I feel a bit like it is blocking because if I can’t get them to be interested enough to read it through to the end, I don’t have a prayer of getting potential voice actors (whom I may or may not know, I have no idea what’s going to happen on that front) to be interested. And if it really is terrible I’d kind of like to know before I start animating it so I can fix problems before it becomes too hard to fix.
I wish I could make it as interesting as the crappy movies, but with a lot less crappy involved.

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