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Equal rights

posted on: Monday, 21 November 2011 @ 12:00am in

Earlier today, I got an email from AllOut requesting signatures for this petition (the image from which I’ve stolen).

Russian activists, stolen from AllOut site

Last week I got this email from Getup requesting donations to get a letter by a psychologist to the government run as an ad in a couple of major newspapers.

The week before that, another email from GetUp wanting yet another marriage equality petition signed.

Sometime before that, another AllOut petition to shut down clinics in Ecuador pretending they could “cure” gay people.

I make no apologies whatsoever for my language when I say: what the fucking hell.

I ranted about this already. Once more with feeling, then.

The entire opposition to homosexuals getting married seems based on some fucked up delusion that it’s somehow going to destroy families and society.

Two things.

Frstly: if my friend’s daughter grows up and marries another princess it’s going to have exactly zero impact on anyone outside of their friends and family. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Fucking nada.

Secondly: destroying families and society is exactly what ALL opponents of marriage equality are doing.

There is no reason for this kind of discrimination.

Love is not about gender