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3d-fyn, now with eyebrows and face morphs!

posted on: Saturday, 15 October 2011 @ 5:51pm in

3d me with eyebrows and some face morphs

I’m not convinced my colour map is working. Will have to see when I do other random renders while fixing up the weight maps and seeing if I can work out cloth dynamics on the clothes. And I think I need to darken my hair a little bit. After that all I really need to do is see if I can work out how to get my freckle constellation on my face and I’m calling me done.

Did I mention I bit it and froze the model? Vastly better control on the shape and textures and things but gods working directly with the mesh is a pain in the system.

Animation coming eventually. I really shouldn’t keep going with the “rig test” but I really want to :S