The Mythical Farm of Legend
posted on: Monday, 26 September 2011 @ 11:56pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Since I first got together with JJ, I have heard stories of the farm which has been in his family for generations (or at least, his grandparents ran it, and it’s now owned and operated by his uncles and their family). It has a name but is just referred to “The Farm”.
For the last seven years, JJ has told me he will take me to “The Farm”. For various reasons, we never quite got there.
Recently, I found out that the place isn’t a collective hallucination.

There is a house in those trees. It’s a bit of a dark splodge in the photo. On the other side of the tree to the right of the white thing.
The farm is a decent size, and got some pretty scenery. I couldn’t piece a decent writeup together (and the farm visit was a couple of weeks ago now), so have a bunch of photos.

Hondo the resident sheepdog of questionable sanity

Off to check out the farm equipment

The farm equipment is kind of big.

Some of it was possibly inspired by alien technology

Going for a ride in the ute, toddler squishing face against window
Some running gunning shots from the back of the ute.

Fields of daisies…er…canola?

Would have liked the windmill to be higher, but when we got closer, the angle was wrong

I love my weird country and its weird vegetation
Brief stoppage to look at stuff.

Sometimes the red sands explode with colour.

Weird little red land anemone. Should find out what it is. And should have cropped this.

Spider on the fence. Manual focus fail.

JJ taking a photo of me taking a photo of him taking a photo of…

Pink lake is pink.

Old abandoned eagle’s nest
Back on the road.
And another stop.

Fringed lily twiner (Thysanotus R.Br.) - thanks for the common name Kimba :)

They’re pretty. I’m not much of a plant person.

Brain flowers!

Random shot of the bush that didn’t turn out terrible

Quandong tree!

Quandongs are tasty like lemons

Yellow grevillea thing across the road from the quandong tree
And lastly some cool rocks we passed on the way to The Farm that we would have stopped to take photos of if we weren’t supposed to be meeting people at a certain place by a certain time. So we took some on the way back.

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License