Wacky wednesday
posted on: Thursday, 16 June 2011 @ 9:50pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Yesterday, it seemed like it was going to rain just enough to be annoying for walking to the shops down the road (but not for the dams, more rain is good for dams), so I decided to drive to Carousel and let the kids have a play at the playground before grabbing snacks and doing the top up shopping.
Heading toward Albany Hwy, the first wacky thing to be encountered was a huge line of cars stuck behind boom gates at the train station. The Perth train was idling at the platform looking in no hurry to go anywhere. I eventually inched my way to the intersection as other cars started peeling off in different directions at the intersection. Watching a transit worker guiding the two cars that were sitting before the boom gates, I figured the boom gates weren’t going to be rising any time soon and decided to cut across to the next street over and head to Albany Hwy there.
The boom gates were stuck there too, so I turned left instead, went to the major road and shot down that. On the way, I passed some lights on an intersection of a familiar sounding street, I decided to see if it went to the road I wanted.
It didn’t.
I ended up back on the original road stuck in traffic behind the boom gates again. Fortunately I managed to cut into the right lane, and U-turn at the filter lane and repeated the process of going down to the other major road. For some reason it completely escaped by brain that the road I was on goes to a road which then reconnects to Albany Hwy not far from Carousel. So I got off on Burslem Drv, should have got off at Olga Rd, didn’t, ended up on Albany Hwy and carried on our merry way to Carousel.
At Carousel, we were heading to the playground, and as we were approaching the NextByte I heard unnatural sounds heralding the second wacky thing. Turned and saw a guy sprinting at me with a puppy in his arms. I had a mind to stop him, which would have required violence (me stepping in front of him and throwing him probably). I didn’t want to hurt the puppy, and I also don’t like petshops. Indecision cost and he sprinted on out the door with pet shop staff hot on his tail.
Rest of day progressed fairly normally until the third (and best) wacky thing, we randomly bumped into a friend at the bakery. Had a fairly quick catch up as he was heading back to work and I was trying not to spend money and had to get grocery shopping done and haul tired kids home.
For those wondering, the petshop got the puppy back, the guy had run past th Cannington Greyhounds before finally getting caught.
Bizarro things happen in threes, obviously.

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