Reading and writing
posted on: Friday, 3 June 2011 @ 11:27pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
2yo loves being read to, and is constantly bringing books to us and demanding “Wead book!”

I can also say “duduk” to him and he will sit down. All three kids understand “makan” and “bagus” (6yo used to pronounce it “ba-goo-doos” when he was 2yo’s age :) and that’s as far as I’ve gotten with Malay; my vocabulary is shocking and grammar non-existant.
He’s often sharing that chair with 4yo while she’s playing Reading Eggs on JJ’s laptop. I’m sure he benefits. 4yo has been a bit of a quiet achiever lately, she’s been playing Reading Eggs a lot and I know she occasionally does the maps to get more eggs so she can play games and “buy” stuff for her character and house, but most of the time when I look in on her she’s in the playroom section. So it was a complete surprise to me when I overheard she was up to the quiz at the end of the first level. Next thing I knew she had passed the quiz and is now on Map 2.
6yo appears to be a lot like me (poor bugger) and rather than needing to do things every day, or be relentlessly pushed to practise because it’s the “only” way he’ll improve and develop, he just needs to do it in his head first.

Once upon a time there was a dinosaur and it stomped away
Once it sorted out in the head, it’s much easier to practise and develop. Forcing the issue is guaranteed to cause meltdown and make the process take longer.
He’s teaching himself multiplication and division with me bumbling along trying to work out a way to explain it to him that he will understand, as well as trying to teach him to count on rather than always counting from one when he’s manipulating numbers.
I’ve been trying to source some of those coloured plastic counters for him but I keep managing to not find any or forget to look when I’m at a shop that has a prayer of having them somewhere. Today I was hit by the blindingly obvious. He collects bottle tops. Sorted.
Meantime, I really need to fix up WANLN as one of the things it was supposed to do was have a glorified blogging capability to be able to blog homeschool related stuff among other things. I have a new pen now so not much excuse not to be taking notes in the diary again, and I really, really need to take more photos for the blog and do more of that. Speaking of photos, I was standing over this at the train station today.

It amused me.

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