Tracking and running and happy. Oh my.
posted on: Saturday, 26 March 2011 @ 10:47pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Earlier this morning, Tali and I headed out to Lumen Christi for the TrackWest Open Day. We did a few tracks instructed by a trainer. First time tracking the poor pup was confused as he had me plus the trainer handling, and new equipment, long lead and harness, but he found 6yo sitting behind a chair in the middle of the wide open oval with no drama after a hesitant start.
Apparently he came after me in the next few tracks with much more enthusiasm and didn’t notice the harness.
So it was fun, and I’m interested.
But, and there’s always a but. They’re on Saturday mornings. 8am. In Gnangara. Which is an hour’s drive away. And it’s 8am start which means be there between 7:30am and 8am, preferably before 8am. Which means me leaving at 6:30am. More importantly it means missing 6yo’s Saturday games.
There is a lifeline in that, there are Wednesday sessions. They are supposed to be for not-beginners though, so thinking maybe I can go along to a few Saturdays and work our collective butts off to get good enough to go to the Wednesday ones. Though then I may have to work out something with my mother in law as the thought of dragging 3 kids on a one hour drive to a place where we will then have to walk for ages isn’t particularly pleasant.
I thought about it a little bit when I took Rar for a walk that evening, by himself as despite his protests to the contrary Tali was still tired from tracking that morning and then the 20 odd minute walk home. As we were walking through the bush I randomly decided to run. I didn’t run terribly far or fast (hey it’s been A Very Long Time (tm)) but damn it felt good. I did a few short bursts and continued walking in between. didn’t do many on the way back. Rar really enjoyed the runs.
Something else to work on. Now I just have to somehow work in more actual kung fu, though now the fear of actually doing it is stemming from the fact I am rusty as all hell and don’t want muscles to be remembering incorrectly, and I have zero control of my reflexes and don’t want to injure anyone (self included).

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