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Post-zoo entertainment

posted on: Tuesday, 29 March 2011 @ 10:35pm in

A reddish 'mutant hibiscus' at the Perth Zoo. Don't know what it realy is, it reminded me of a hibiscus :)

We hit up the Perth Zoo today, and I finally got around to getting the zoo membership passes. So now we can visit regularly without it costing an arm and a leg! We inadvertantly stayed there the whole day too. Maybe it was the cart. I’ve been avoiding going on the “adult and kids’ prices” days because it’s always packed out, on the other days it’s fine and we can always get a cart. Then the kids can hitch rides whenever they’re feeling a bit tired and we don’t end up walking over half the zoo before they’re complaining of being tired.

The zoo visit was a zoo visit, the kids loved every minute of it, and the mother in law and I were tired out pulling them around in a cart. One of the highlights of the trip was seeing a mutant hibiscus (I have no idea what it actually was, that’s what it looked like to me) and a numbat which apparently didn’t come out much. The numbat not only came out, it quite happily traipsed around the place completely not minding our presence.

It was the post-zoo games that have been entertaining me though. The big kids were playing shop, and 4yo apparently sold “salad, salad bars and ice cream”. 6yo’s response was “Wow, you must have a lot of salad!”

At dinner, 6yo pretended to be a numbat licking up “termite paste” (mashed potato).

Numbat at the Perth Zoo dining on termite paste

After dinner, he slithered in on a blanket claiming he was a “gigantus slug” and that someone better stop him coz he’s huge and gross and slimy. JJ insinuated there was a giant chicken about to eat it. I took on the role of giant chicken and picked him up and pecked him to death (kissed him lots). After having the gall to tell me I was crazy, he then picked up a fan blade off one of his toys, professed himself an oven and started twirling the fan while saying “Cook! Cook! Cook!”

So apparently I got cooked. And as if that wasn’t enough he then casually jumped off my lap and informed me, “Okay, now you’re covered in barnacles.” Then he traipsed off.

After that I had to put a toy construction helmet on 4yo’s back so she could pretend to be a snail and she slithered off with associated sound effect of “Slither, slither, slither…”

For no apparent reason it reminded me of a few days ago where 4yo ran in announcing, “No birds will come an’ eat our vegebles, coz we’re makin’ a SCARECWOW!”

Scarecrow constructed of a cardboard box, a couple of flowerpots, sticks for arms, grass for hair. And a scary face drawn on the flower pot.

I love my kids.