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Painting lessons

posted on: Tuesday, 18 January 2011 @ 4:22pm in

  1. when you have autonomous big kids who can set themselves up, poke head in every so often
  2. make sure they know that the glass jar the brushes stand in is the paintbrush rinsing jar and that they shouldn’t use drinking glasses
  3. ditto palettes, so they don’t substitute food bowls
  4. choose non-toxic paints in case the above happens
  5. never leave toddlers unattended. Ever.
art project - green person
art project - black rainbow

All post clean-up. The projects are stuck fast to the table due to having been quite wet. The toddler had spread paint all over the table and was happily gooping it around. Was contemplating getting a photo but opted to not have him tracking paint around the house as we were heading out.