Rejigging flux
posted on: Sunday, 11 April 2010 @ 12:03pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
It’s probably a good thing I’m used to constant flux, it has on occasion driven me mad but I think I need it, considering several attempts to have anything above the most basic of basic routines results in more chaos and me actually going mad. Considering the amount of Stuff going on in my head I’ve decided to relegate logging of the banal crap and reminders to do Stuff to djinn (my iPhone, yes it and both my computers and my car have names and personalities) which seems to have left the part of my brain I’m aware of using more room to do some really weird stuff.
We were recently in Jurien Bay camping over Easter, and at omg o’clock in the morning I half roused to the sound of rain on the roof of the tent, and was thinking in Lojban. I have no idea how accurate it was, I didn’t even recognise half the words (actually the only thing I remember recognising was lo klama, so maybe I was doing a commentary about getting there. We’ll ignore the fact I don’t actually know how to construct sentences in Lojban yet). More recently I had a fairly vivid dream where I was reading a history book on my fictional universe. I guess that means AR is coming along really well.
My weeks have been a serious case of Not Working so with the help of Home Routines and Home&Work
and a metric buttload of trial and error and fine tuning and adjustments I’m currently in a state of Closer to There (which is slightly further along thab Getting There) and hoping to reach that stage of Mostly Working sooner rather than later.
Writing everything out really helped a lot, after looking at what I tend to get up to each week had me deciding that I honestly do not give a rat’s if the house is not spotless coz I do a hell of a lot! And it makes me happy whereas the effort required to maintain showroom house is depressing so other people can get bent.
Having said that my current efforts and rejig (one of the major ones being allocating a work day in which the kids can run rampant til my mother in law is at a state where she can take them for a day, as trying to scramble the required 2-4 hours was either not happening or resulting in too many late nights depending on the day) is resulting in both workwork and projectwork getting done and the house being cleaner.
One of the things I actually put on the Homeroutines thing was !school blog every Sunday. Which I will need to kick my sister about, now that I think about it. So while I’m still stuck on the livejournal, here we go, week just gone, oldest to youngest, and quite vaguely as the last two nights sleeping late working on client websites has left my memory currently a bit lacking.
- decorated a foam egg
- played Chess and Scrabble with Josh
- acquisitioned own (cheap old second hand) digital camera, taking photos
- wants a job so he can earn money to buy a RC helicopter
- wrote a friend’s name on an envelope (needed it spelled out but wrote it himself)
Need to get him a bank account and find a footy club for him, he also wants to play footy.
- decorated a foam egg
- spent copious amouts of time drawing, painting and playing ArtRage
- played Reading Eggs and WiggleTime
Wants to do dancing classes, looking into that.
- seems to be trying to grow garlic and onions in the cats’ and dog’s water bowl
- learning about gravity, things fall to the ground if you drop them, and some things/food make interesting patterns if you throw them, and the dog usually eats food thrown at the ground

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