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Homeschooling site revisited

Posted on: Wednesday, 16 April 2008 @ 3:13pm

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

We dropped in to see my uncle and aunty yesterday (myself, my sister and the kids) to say hi and to return my aunty's cake board that we'd had forever, and my uncle was giving us advice about the block we're working on buying and then he asked when Tao started kindy.  I said he would be starting next year if he was going, and he made the comment that he thought Tao might be ready pretty much now.

There are 3yo kindies around the place that I've noted in passing but I haven't been that interested really, and not really interested seeing as we're homeschooling.

That (and the fact Sprat and I have a job on at the moment) got my thoughts meandering ont other websites such as the one I want to be doing for the animation (which I haven't started as I've been working on the models) and the homeschool diary thingami that I'm going to piggyback off it (hurray for drupal and multisites), and that I should probably get off my arse and actually do it.  Josh kept telling me I was starting early when he was 2 and I was trying to do it and I told him it would take me a while to get my act together and see, I was right.

I am tossing around a few ideas in my head, it's probably a bit more developed than when I had the original idea but still needs a lot of working through, and I thnk I might actually be able to work out the Content Construction Kit these days.  Maybe.

And speaking of homeschooling, Tao is currently playing on the Starfall website.  I'm going to have to be careful he doesn't pick up an American accent :)

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