The Toddler Bed
posted on: Monday, 11 February 2008 @ 12:13am in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
I am starting to think that maybe I should just get my act together, get the website that I’m intending to build for the kids up and running and either throw this thing in or get an rss feed up and running or something, considering how much I remember to update.
Last couple of days, Tiny has either been going to bed himself ot crashing in with JJ. Tonight he agreed that he was indeed tired and wanted to go to bed after I told him he looked very tired, and I asked if he wanted to crash in his bed, with JJ or in my bed. He opted for his bed. On the way there I asked if he wanted me to stay with him or to go. He said he wanted me to stay til he fell asleep.
So I lay on my bed with my hand on his body while he lay there glazed.
Both of us were temporarily roused by a screaming fit from Smidge who woke up very wet and in a daze of sleepiness completely didn’t see me and crawled out of bed crying to go find me in my usual spot (in front of the computer when they’re asleep). I told Tiny I’d be back after resettling Smidge, swooped on the unsuspecting baby and carted her off to the bathroom where I whipped her into the old blue BubbaJ, which is kind of useless on either of them now as the elastic in the legs no longer exists in a useful form.
Oh well.
Resettled her in not long, then went to see how Tiny was doing.
He was asleep cuddling his teddy bear. This may with some luck become a habit.

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