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Posted on: Saturday, 24 November 2007 @ 12:44am
Blatting about

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

I have two nearly toilet trained children.

After a week or so of occasional accidents on the carpet or starting to go before stopping himself and then going to the toilet, Tao is suddenly saying that he needs to go before he goes.  There isn't the biggest time buffer in the world but it's plenty of time to get from wherever we are in the house to the toilet.  I have no idea how we will fare out and about if he ever needs to go when we're out but I have flat nappies (for wiping up messes), spare underwear and shorts in the backpack for him these days.

Need to buy Ru some underwear, as she is used to either going nudiebum and using the potty or doing wees in nappies.  And I haven't yet had the guts to take her out without a nappy.

We're going so well I'm considering palming off Tao's remaining waterproof nappies.

And speaking of nappies, Ruan is quite possibly finally growing out of her size1 BubbaJs.  Although she could also just be chubbing up for a grow, I'll hang on to them for a little while longer.  Miss Skinnybum still fits easily in 000 pants seeing as she now doesn't have nappies to bulk her bum up.

Tao is still trying to learn how to read and recognise letters.  Still loving the puzzles.  Ruan likes to dance and tumble, and has recently discovered the joys of drawing.

I really need to be doing a lot more with them, they seem to want/need the stimulation.  Been a bit slack the last few days, combination of going to bed late and really wanting to work on the animation.  Going to have to try to organise time with webmonkey work and animation.  Sigh.

Other than that, all is well with the world.

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