Moving and flowing
posted on: Monday, 29 October 2007 @ 12:23am in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Definitely on the up, and not as likely to slide, although that still happens every so often.
The other day (when? Who knows, I don’t usually make distinctions between days, just aware of the sun moving :P) something Tiny was doing was shitting me, JJ had denied him something and he was wailing and carrying on and complaining. I was getting irritated by his whinging as he’d been on and off all day, on and off the boob all day and I was feeling slightly short tempered.
I really wanted to give the child a decent clout and tell him to shut the hell up.
What I did was say “Poor little bugger, you really wanted to [do whatever it was that I’ve now forgotten] didn’t you?”
Tiny paused in his wailing, stared at me, then tearfully replied “Yes!”
“Yeah I know, it was good fun, but we can’t do it right now. Let’s have a cuddle and we’ll go find something else to do.”
We had a cuddle and then found something else to do, though again I can’t immediately recollect what. It worked out so much better and was so much nicer than yelling. And it works because on average (even when I’m feeling bad about the days where I’ve yelled too much) I do that more than I yell, and thus I don’t really have much f a clue about the phenomenom often referred to as “the terrible 2s” and “the terrible 3s”. I have no doubt that it exists but it doesn’t seem as big a deal as it’s been made out.
JJ’s parentage are apparently going to be retiring in Perth soon, sometime in the next couple of years or so JJ keeps saying. I might see if Nanna is interested in having Tiny for part of or a full day one or two days a week to cut me a break, and add Smidge to the mix when she’s 2 or so (whenever she’s ready to be left). Hopefully then I’ll be able to get a decent amount of work on the animation done as well as get back into kung fu. Will see how we go on that front. In the meantime I’ll jhust have to continue struggling along as I am.
Oh yeh, and silly season. It went well, though because I’m stupid I forgot the camera, so no Jurien photos. Tiny had a blast playing with JJ’s cousins, Smidge cuted everyone out, Smidge got a stash of very cute clothes and a couple of books, and Tiny got a pile of books and workbooks aimed at 3-5yos. A few of them are awesome because they are wipe clean ones and he has been having a blast with them, although Smidge broke the compartment that contains the magnets on one of them.
Tiny also got a big as Tonka dump truck from us. He loves it.
Things are looking mostly clearer in the home education department as the kids get older and I can work out what to do with them, and the option is looking better and better every day.
And now time for bed, seeing as my thoughts ar emore disjointed than usual.

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