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Getting it together?

Posted on: Friday, 19 October 2007 @ 10:04am
Blatting about

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Right now, Tao is playing with the playdoh set that was in his Wiggles showbag, and Ruan is falling asleep on the boob.

Make that, Ruan is in bed and Tao is on the boob listening to "teepy baby moooozik".

I do seem to go in cycles don't I.

Things seem to be getting easier. I never realised the local "Zest" health club thing had a pool, and they're doing swimming lessons from 5 months. Coordinator is going to give me a ring tomorrow and I'll see about wimming lessons for these two. Walking to the end of the street for swimming lessons rather than driving somewhere is appealing even if I'm not crazy about the chlorine stench.

I had a brief word to Josh about possibly doing a little bit of cross training or something at the gym to cover the few things kung fu doesn't cover once I get the kung fu sorted out. Generally we're pretty blaaah about gyms but he didn't say anything outside of "yeah okay".

Things are working out all right, although the kids current spoat f staying up late at night is shitting me as I use night to work. No biggie if they ust potter and play quietly til I'm ready to go to bed but yeah right, they are usually whining at me coz they're tired and cranky. Still they seem to be settling into their own rhythm so just have to try and work with it as much as possible as they have been known to go to bed at 8 :)

And I think Tao is thinking more about dropping the day nap, he's trying to go to sleep and refusing to get off the boob but he's been on there for close to an hour or so and he's getting really bloody heavy.

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