With Confidence
posted on: Friday, 28 September 2007 @ 11:23am in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Smidge has been crawling a lot less, and walking a lot more. She still totters and toddles very cutely but the bipedal bit is happening with a lot more confidence. We walk around the shops a lot more. Smidge walks quite a way for a small girl. We did the same thing with Tiny which I think is why he seems to have more stamina than a lot of preschoolers I observe , although said preschoolers seem to have mothers with more to do than me so they get strapped in prams while the mums rush around getting errands done.
I have all the time in the world. More or less.
Tiny’s language development is going off. And I lucked out with an awesome toddler, he follows me in the shops and doesn’t (usually) run off. Not too many tantrums from him either.
Maybe I lucked out because someone somewhere knew I wasn’t cut out to be a mum. Or maybe there is a slight chance that I may be doing something right after all, just for a change :)

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