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posted on: Sunday, 17 June 2007 @ 10:52pm in

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

First day of having another child on boar tomorrow. Had Jasper and Will come round today, I anticpated a worst case scenario of lots of tantrums and fighting over toys and a best case scenario of everythibg meshing nicely. Guess which happened.

The rest of the day sorted itself out with the kids playing happily.

Tomorrow I need to ask Heather what kind of distance Jasper is capable of walking, I know Tiny can walk to the shops but not sure about back again, he probably can but I haven’t got round to trying yet. Need to work out if I need the pram or not. It’s unofficial library day tomorrow so might take them on a trek to go get some books. Might do the playground enroute at some stage as well or save that for the evening or something.

See how we go for time I guess, looks like I’ll have him from 8 or 9:30 (one or the other, I’ll be awake either way) til 4:15-5ish depending on when Heather manages to get off her training thing and whether she manages to get to my place first or whether she has to swing by and pick Will up from daycare first (seeing as she has to pick him up at 4:30).

And now I need to go do the dishes coz I’m not likely to have time tomorrow. Wow, fyn needs to be more organised. Hell must be freezing as we speak ;)