Day 1
posted on: Monday, 18 June 2007 @ 9:29pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
So far so good.
Heather dropped off Jasper at about 9ish and hung around for half an hour to chat and make sure he settled, which he did pretty quickly. Tiny and Jasper played together mostly nicely, bar a few tantrums here and there coz Tiny wouldn’t do exactly what Jasper wanted or say things exactly as Jasper wanted them said and Jasper happened to have something Tiny decided that he wanted (mainly because he saw Jasper had it).
Took them to the park shortly after lunch and they played at the playground for a while, they were keeping warm scurrying around, Smidge and I were freezing, my hands went numb trying to keep her feet warm. I was going to take them to the library but they were stirring each other up too much so I opted for skipping that and just hitting up the shops for milk and biscuits and dip and cheese.
Bought the boys a sausage roll each, got a lot of comments about having three kids obviously so close in age (I pointed out one wasn’t mine) and a well meaning passer-by warned me that someone might steal Smidge seeing as she was strapped to my back. I assured them that anyone with that kind of idea pretty much had to remove the Ergo to get Smidge out and I think I would notice something like that.
Bought some bubble mix and interesting things bubble blowing paraphernalia without either of the boys noticing, might let them play with that outside tomorrow after or instead of going to the playground, it was bloody cold yesterday.
They spent the rest of the day watching Playhouse Disney, Jasper is completely enamoured with the 24 hour kids’ shows. As far as Tiny goes, obviously I need to be more interesting.
Need to clean up a bit and see if I have any chance in hell of getting anything done.

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