What we learned today
posted on: Monday, 7 May 2007 @ 1:54pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
That Livejournal has suddenly got a new hardcore editor.
Or maybe it’s been there for a while and it’s just coz I don’t use it that much.
We were hanging out the nappies as there was sun today, we have bizarro weather (it’s meant to be autumn/winter, feels like we’re moving into spring), and noted the bees buzzing around the fully flowering tree that’s hanging over our fence next door. Josh has taught Tiny to have a healthy fear of bees which I’m trying to turn into a healthy respect. I had one explained to him that the bees hang around the flowers to get nectar that they make into honey. He remembered that, telling me “Bees make honey.”
I went over the nectar thing again, then expanded on the honey idea, explaining how they made honeycombs for the honey and they used the honey to feed baby bees. So now according to Tiny “Bees make honey, feed baby bees.”
Then a fly landed on the back of his leg and he panicked, I told him to relax, it was just a fly, and flies don’t bite. He looked tearfully up at me and repeated “Flies don’t bite.” I told him bees were yellow and black and stripey and flies were solid coloured. Hedecidedhe wanted to go inside so I let him back into the house while Smidge and I finished hanging out the nappies.
More recently I had to leave Wriggly unsupervisedmomentarily while I put her older brother down for his nap. Came back out and along with the curtain hook she’d pulled out from under the couch, she’d also grabbed a dog biscuit tin lid and aflat flexible advertising magnet and was trying to stick the curtain hook to the lid with the magnet.
Or maybe she was trying to get the small swallowable screw out of the curtain hook, which I found after I took the curtain hook away from her.
I am quite glad her dexterity still sucks for now.
Tiny’s moods seem to have stabilised for now, he no longer tantrums at the drop of a hat and is much easier to deal with, though he is extremely high octane and requires a lot of stimulation to remain tolerable. I don’t blame him for being insufferable if I haven’t taken them out as that makes it my own stupid fault.
Smidge has started bawling if things are taken away from her, but only if she wanted to play with it. If she wasn’t that fussed it could go and she wouldn’t care.
Tiny has also started taking Smidge’s toys because she has them. Sigh. Not making him share his toys if he doesn’t want to but not quite sure how to deal with him wanting things because she hasthem aside from telling him it’s not very nice to take things off other people if they’re using them and keeping the swaps happening.
Fun times.
Now in the window I have while both kids are asleep I guess I’ll keep helping Sprat with her assignment. Really should do somearty stuff on the newiMac soon. I want enough money for Photoshop, maybe Illustrator nd After Effects.
Once I get Smidge down.

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