posted on: Tuesday, 22 May 2007 @ 9:29pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Seems like my luck is stabilising again. Yay! Maybe it was karma biting me in the arse for daring to work too hard on stuff that isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things, well not to me anyway.
Yesterday I didn’t get quite get as much stuff done as I’d been planning on as Tiny randomly decided to have an early nap. Tha was fine, after he’d woken up we (finally!) ran Smidge’s conscientious objection form plus the two Famil Assistance Office forms in to the Medicare office in Freo. On the way home the 99 we were on terminated at the Murdoch PnR which meant we had to hang around for about ten minutes for the next one so we could go one more stop. The only reason I didn’t just walk it (would have taken about that long) was becaue of the construction work, I couldn’t see how to get out easily with the twin pram. The cranky bus driver on the terminating 99 thanked Tiny for “being good” when we got off which was a) sweet and b) slightly amusing considering Tiny had shrieked a couple of times on the bus due to being tired.
We swung by the library to get out some more library books as I realise I haven’t been reading to Tiny for a while and it’s pretty pointless getting JJ to do the bedtime thing with Tiny as he’s completely and utterly uninterested.
I just realised how bad the above sentence sounded. It’s not that bad really, a bit taxing on me but JJ gets up at 5:30am to walk Rar, so he’s pretty tired at the end of the day when he finally hauls his sorry carcass home at 5:30pm, sometimes later depending on how much work he needs to do to meet deadlines etc.
Anyway at this stage of reorganising things in my head, I seriously don’t have the time to be doing all the things that need doing so with Sprat being at the pointy end of semester, it’s pretty much JJ does the bedtime thing and I do the dishes, or he can do the dishes and I do the bedtime thing. I’ve already worked out I either can’t do both coz I’m too tired after the boobfest usually required to get both kids to sleep or by the time I get them to sleep it’s getting on and I want to do some work. I fell into the trap once again of trying to get things done and neglecting the kids, so screw that for a joke. Never again. Red Planet is just going to have to crawl along, which sucks coz I REaLLY want to get it over with.
Today we just managed to catch the bus to playgroup, courtesy of my instinctive executive decision to go the other way to the bus stop that appears to be slightly closer to my street than the one I normally go to. I know which one I’m going to from here on in, saw the bus hauling up the road as I was approaching the bus stop, signalled it and legged it the rest of the way which I’m sure the kids found entertaining. Was a really nice warm up for me as well, got my cold reptilian blood going. Thanked the bus driver profusely for stopping for me and so did Tiny.
Tiny and I discussed the dynamics of pushing the stop button and of people getting on and off the bus and where we were going, favourite topics on the bus. I see this as a good thing as it’s kindo of hard to hold a conversation with him in the car, we have to speak up as JJ insists on having the radio on (he can’t seem to stand the silence that happens when no one is talking) and I have to keep turning around to look at Tiny. Made it to playgroup exactly on time and Tiny immediately got down to the serious business of playing.
We had a much bigger group this time round and I got to meet some people off the Perth Homeschoolers forum which was pretty cool. I have up close and personal brains to pick now of prime examples of people who pulled kids out of school and people whose kids have never gone to school. It was a bit chaotic at the time with all these kids running around. Tiny had a few lessons in having to share things that weren’t his with another kid about his age who was exactly as stubborn as he was so a few tears and tantrums today.
Smidge had good fun crawling around very cutely after things although she wasn’t able to keep up with the two yearlings that were there. I have dubbed one Tank and the other Dozer, they’re both adorable big boofer boys.
The host kindly let me hang around til about 12:10 and that worked out much better as we were then only waiting 10 minutes for a bus as opposed to half an hour. I’m double checking bus times coz the buses run weirdly. We caught a different bus back and headed home, the kids did not go to sleep. I made a very plain lunch of rice cooked in silverside soup and Tiny ATE IT ALL. Well almost. He likes plain rice (“I love wice Mummy.”)
He goes on and off his food seemingly at random but I know what he likes.
They went to sleep late, and I took the time to try to catch up on some work. Issues with the baby board upgrade occupied my attention for a little while and then I made pea, bacon and pasta soup for dinner. JJ came home and very helpfully did the laundry and picked up and vacuumed and then did the dishes after dinner.
I spent a bit of time reading to Tiny out of the library bag (borrowed enough books to read one per night til Friday which is library day, we got through most of them just then) which was nice.
I feel like I’m getting it together, specially coz it took all bloody day to write this as I was hitting the computer exactly as much as I should be when the kids were awake, which is to say, just checking email and messages but not staying long :)
And now, back to folding up the laundry before resuming trying to fix the baby board. Yeesh, it’s that time already.

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