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Posted on: Tuesday, 15 May 2007 @ 8:01pm
Blatting about

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Both kids enjoyed plagroup today. Ruan has been properly crawling for three days now. It's adorable watching her crawl as her arm movements are so jerky, and she gets this ever so adorable look of determination on her face when she sees something she wants. At playgroup she found a piano xylophone and was balancing on three limbs while hammering keys with one hand, and being amazed by the sounds she was making.

Cuteness factor much.

Tao had fun playing with the other kids and hopefully learned a bit more about turn taking. At least he was too distracted to be taking things off his sister. He's a protective little guy, no one but him is allowed to take things off Ruan and he was also protective of Cody's stuff, he saw one of the other kids riding Cody's bike and yelled "Dat's Tody's bike!"

Also cute.

But I'm heavily biased.

I got two homeschooling books on order from the library today, "Homeschooling: A Parent's Guide to Teaching Children" by Samuel L Blumenfield and "The Homeschooling Book of Answers" by Linda Dobson. They're geared more towards American audiences so there's a bit of fearmongering going on (although it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't too far from the truth).

And right now (while reading of course) I need to finish this wallpaper.

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