The Beginning of the End of Gummysharkdom
posted on: Monday, 28 May 2007 @ 9:53am in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Smidge’s lower left incisor has broken through the gums. And of course I found out when she decided to teeth on my hand. It was due anyway, it had been lurking visibly just under her gums for about a week before it finally sprouted.
She’s crawling really well and has pulled up a few times, the first time on the bed rail on the bed, and a couple of times on the couch. She’s been trying to talk too, been making all sorts of cute noises. Today both JJ and I picked up something along the lines of “weaden dat book” which is Tiny pronounciation.
Really need to take footprints of her, she is nearly seven months old. Yeesh. I guess I don’t really notice because she’s small compared to Tiny, I swear he was the size she is now at 4-5 months.

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