Creepy crawly
posted on: Wednesday, 11 April 2007 @ 10:06pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Smidge is making headways with crawling and EC. She was in the same nappy since not long after lunch when I changed her into the nappy in question at Southlands, and I’ve caught every single wee and poo since then. Before that she’d only gone through two nappy changes, with one of them being a poo.
I put her down for a crawl while I was playing wit hypervoxels and she was rocking on all fours, rocking, rocking, got to rocking violently and during the course of said violent rocking one of her hands unbalanced and shot forward in front of the other which stabilised her.
I swear I saw a lightbulb go off. One of those old fashioned incandescent ones, not the energy saving ones.
I wonder how long it will be before I have two mobile children to contend with. Though I swear that Wriggly Smidge is still motile at this stage.
At some stage I will bite the bullet and have them both running around with no nappies on at least while at home with the flats to clean up any spills, and using only fitteds. Going to be much fun with bloody carpet. Still, I’m happy with how both kids are progressing.
She’s starting to get heavy too, I really noticed when I was carrying her back in the sling from Southlands, had to stick her back in the pram which she wasn’t happy about, but pushing the 15kg bloody pram with Tiny and shopping in it was doing my back in. Lower back and feet still kinda hurt now but ahh well. Happens. She is still not that heavy and I still love slinging her.
She’s very keen on this whole food thing as well, keeps grabbing at my plate and things on it. I am putting things on her lips and in her mouth on occasion but she still has tongue thrust reflex so right now it’s more for the participation aspect than actually trying to get her to eat anything. Besides which she’s only five months old. And I need to get some of those gauze things that you put on fingers for when she starts eating so I can clean her gums and maybe use them to rub over her brother’s teeth as well, I noticed a few pock marks in his teeth but no cavities yet (touch wood), and he of course being him won’t let us brush his teeth all the time.
And did I mention she has teeth coming up? There’s a couple of little bumps under her gums. She has a mean bite too, she “bit” my arm and it hurt. I’m going to miss my gummyshark girl, but it’s always going to happen isn’t it :)
Miss what they were, enjoy what they are, look forward to what they’ll be.

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