posted on: Monday, 26 February 2007 @ 3:24pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
It’s raining. In summer. Wonders will never cease. People who are still stubbornly insisting that they can live wasteful lifestyles because it would happen anyway, well no help for them coz they’re delusional and are psychologically incapable of seeing any reality other than the one they desperately cling to.
Today marks my first day joining the ranks of stay at home mums with work out of home partners. JJ got a job last week and is starting his first day today. He was up at 6am getting ready as it started at 8:30am. I was up at 7:30am thinking I’d get all my boards etc out of the way before the kids woke up, but of course they woke up because I wasn’t in bed with them. No dramas, a couple of nappy changes later and Tiny even had some breakfast (about half an egg worth).
Tiny is speaking proper sentences now, even if most of the words are severely mispronounced as happens with toddlers. Today he brought me JJ’s cane announcing “Looka I pound!” He cuts between using “I” and “Tiny”, coz other times he’s saying “Tiny’s turn” and alternately “I got it” or “Tiny’s got it”.
Smidge’s commando crawling with alarming speed, not sure how coz I would have thought her head would act as a brake. Well i guess it’s not as big as Tiny’s was at her age. She moves pretty quick considering she doesn’t actually lift her head until she’s stopped. Floor for her these days.
So far so good managing by myself and it’s nearly halfway through the day already. Tiny’s only cried once today because I turfed him out of the laundry after he ignored me telling him not to open the laundry cupboard which has stuff in there little boys really should not be playing with.
Smidge is currently asleep in the room, Tiny is watching The Wiggles Sailing Around the World and remembering he was bugging me for boob.
The storm just got worse which is to say the thunder and lightning are now directly over my house and the rain is heavier. Hurray for rain! Hopefully it will fill the dams up a little bit. I really need a rainwater tank, someone (possibly firvulag) told me you can get skinny rainwater tanks so tacking one of them to the side of the house or next to the shed maybe would be awesome.
We got a twin pram recently which is great as it makes it easier for me to take the kids out by myself. Not today obviously, any thoughts I entertained of going out today just got washed out. Which is fine, there’s a lot of house stuff to take care of and a lot of animation and game work too so not like I’ll be bored.
Damn that rain smells good. Might have to open the houes up and let the smell in, I closed it so things wouldn’t get wet if the wind changed while feeding Tiny.
There goes the power. And it’s back on again. And off again. Hopefully fuse hasn’t blown. Good thing I have a client coz my CRT monitor just shut itself off. Ahh well. I’ll wait for it to come back on and post. I was pretty much done anyway.
I know I’ve been doing a pretty poor job keeping up with everyone else, I don’t pay a lot of attention to livejournal coz I have about a million other things to do. So sorry :)
ps- just got back from taking the kids out by myself. It went well. We just went to get a mattress protector and salt and pepper and some licorice for JJ (though Tiny stole a piece). They both fell asleep on the way back. Yay for twin prams!
Hehe I’m so not AP enough and I think only the people from the baby board are going to get that joke.

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