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The Rhythm of the Night...Day...whatever

Posted on: Friday, 19 January 2007 @ 12:10am
Blatting about

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

As I said in the other journal, Christmas Island was great. I will post up pictures once I can be bothered either convincing my combo drive that it's fine and can read the CD or stuffing it into Josh's computer and pulling from there.

Pleasantly tired at the moment, I feel like I'm contributing something to the household for a change. Been a while what with being dangerously pregnant and then recovering from being pregnant. Josh and I are slowly starting to fall into a rhythm of who does what chores and overlapping where necessary.

I had my first full day alone with the kids today while Josh was helping [info]firvulag move to Narrogin. Was a bloody long day with him gone from 9am til 7:30pm. We had takeaway for dinner. I got exactly no work done aside from stealing the logo of the Louisiana State Police uniform for use on the uniforms I model (I'm probably infringing copyright or something, what a pain in the system) and opening one of the characters and being awestruck by how big I made him. I spent a bit too much time on the computer but got a bit of stuff sorted out including joining FreeCycle and moving everything pertinent to my gmail account.

After abusing iCal, I also feel much more organised. So far the pattern I'm working towards goes something like:


* hang out nappies
* breakfast
* pull out stuff to defrost for dinner
* walk or kung fu (depending on whether or not they still do day classes)
* do stuff with kids (homeschooly stuff, playing, hanging out, whatever)
* make lunch


* lunch
* Tao usually has a nap in which case I
- do web stuff
- work on comic/animation and game (this includes sketches)
- work on Alternative Baby

* do stuff with the kids
* walk
* dinner
* bath, teeth, book and bed for Tao
* work
* relaxation stuff towards the end of the night
- blogging
- writing (assuming I ever pick up any of those half arse stories I have kicking around on my hard drive)
- misc arty stuff

No idea how the hell I'm going to fit all that in but that's the idea. I'll have to fit it around fixed things like kung fu, Josh wants to start playing cricket this year, and I STILL have to ring this person in the newspaper about Indonesian and Mandarin lessons. Slack Bek. I'll do it tomorrow, it's on the To-Do list.

Overall pretty happy with the way things are going. Year has started off good.

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