Teeny tiny little big boy
posted on: Monday, 20 November 2006 @ 2:38pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
That’s Tiny.
He’s more on than off the toilet training/learning now, been to the toilet twice today to do wees (he claimed poo the first time but the poo never showed up in the toilet or in his nappy). Might have to invest in a few sets of one wet pants and get a stool for the toilet. Now that JJ has finally finished exams (still got a presentation to go but that’s not such a big deal, it requires dressing up nice and knowing what you’re talking about when people ask questions about your poster) we might be able to focus in on the family a bit more, and encourage Tiny to use the toilet a bit more.
He’s eased up with the night feeding as well finally, he fussed a little bit at 2-3am when Smidge woke up for her feed, but he didn’t wake up and he didn’t have a feed, he resettled eventually with me patting and cuddling him. He did have a couple of feeds later but the sun was up so I didn’t mind.
I’ve just found out he can read the word “drum” (I don’t know why). I wrote it on his magnadoodle and before I could tell him what it was he said “jum!” (approximate spelling of the word he uses for it) and grabbed his tambourine out from the toybox, put it on the coffee table and proceeded to bash on it. Quietly, because Smidge was sleeping. He recognises letters and he keeps asking me to write words down (mummy, daddy, Tiny, Smidge, nanny, drum, dog, cat, etc) so I guess he’s picking up pretty quick.
He adorably mispronounces his sister’s name and a couple of times has patted her back to sleep when she was unsettled. One time she was crying in the room and I was trying to comfort her and work out what she wanted and Tiny came sprinting in looking quite concerned, but lost that look when he saw I was there.
I’m working through some English workbooks with him at the moment, they’re supposed to be for 3-4yos but he seems like he’s handling it fine, surprising considering I got them for him to colour the pictures and maybe do the exercises if he understood them. He’s working out “same” (and possibly “different”) at the moment (Book 1 of the 10) so that’s what we’re doing. He likes drawing circles and colouring the circles in. And then colouring everything on the page :) Gotta get him those maths books as well.
I’m hoping he’ll do more of this going to sleep by himself thing as well. i tried feeding him to sleep for his nap a few times today but he never went to sleep, the last two times because Smidge stirred and made noise, so he turned over and patted her back to sleep. He had a wet nappy so I changed it and then tucked him in on the futon in front of The Wiggles and he eventually dropped off himself.
He’s been watching way too much tv lately, he gets up early in the morning, asks for The Wiggles and JJ puts it on for him so he can get some work done. Then it’s usually going all morning. Now that JJ is off uni hopefully we’ll be able to actually do stuff together, and I know JJ is stressed out and tired and wanting to catch up on sleep, but hopefully the change in pace will relax him so that he sleeps better at night and the relaxation helps to catch up the sleep he missed, and also make for less tv for Tiny.
I’m so proud of my little big boy. He’s going to be 2 soon.
I also want a book called Take Control of your Fertility. Might do the natural family thing properly I guess rather than cobbling together from net resources. If JJ thinks about knocking me up again I’m cutting his nuts off. With the lid off the bottle of pregnancy and breastfeeding formula (it’s plastic).
Three weeks til we head off to Christmas Island. I have no idea what’s happening with the house mainly coz JJ and his parents have organised some round robin something or other so there’s people that are going to be here and possibly working on various aspects of the garden each week. My poor cats are going to be so confused. Started explaining things slowly to them already and trying to work out where Tiny’s little cloth backpack is and how we’re going to manage the nappy situation. Currently it’s involving uberstuffing two night nappies and praying for a poo-free flight. Though as far as I’m concerned other patrons be damned, I’m using a spare seat to change them. The “change table” in the plane toilet is dangerous.
Speaking of dangerous, if I hear too much about is Santa going to bring you lots of presents/ Have you been a good boy this year? or any more about “he’s going to hate his birthday coz he’ll only get half the presents” I might have to reconsider trying not to kill people. Bloody silly season. I like the idea of Christmas but…bloody silly season :P

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