The pain still paining
posted on: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 @ 12:24am in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Prelabour whinge
Owww damn that last one was a pretty good one.
Yesterday I had an interesting bout of prelabour that was different from all the other prelabours.
It went all day.
Yes you may say, as did all the other ones. Well the other ones had the decency to give me an hour or two break every so often. These ones just kept cramping and contracting all day. It ranged from slightly uncomfortable to almost painful.
Today, the same thing happened, just worse. The cramps were mostly painful, though on occasion I would get a dull ache. My back is killing me, and apparently firvulag too. The contractions range from uncomfortable to hey that hurt dammit.
Okay, it’s starting to piss me off.
Currently I’m assuming that it’s going to hurt like this until something actually happens, which will piss me right all the way off. Specially seeing as if this stupid shit keeps going, I probably won’t have the energy to give birth. Not that I need any I guess, if my last birth experience is anything to go by I’ll just jump in the pool and try not to drown as I expel the baby whether I want to or not. I’d contemplate growing gills to counteract the whole drowning thing but I’m not sure that I want all the blood and crap that will be in the water clogging my breathing apparatuses.
Then there is a chance it might be actual proper prelabour that will develop into labour, and if so I would like some clearer indication of this. Like waters breaking for example. Although that’s not completely reliable as who knows when that could happen, might happen as it’s starting, or well into it, or as the baby’s being born.
Yay different kinds of pain again! After a reprieve where I was thinking the cramps have settled down (and thus proving it was just irritating prelabour that wasn’t going to go anywhere) I end up with some back crunching hip jolting something or other. Nyeh. Not amused.
Onto happier things
JJ and I have decided to jump on the “let’s have unrealistically high expectations of our kids!” bandwagon.
No not really. Trying to figure out the whole unschooling thing, and planning our impending trip to Christmas Island, we decided to get him some workbooks. So I grabbed these “Excel” brand 3-4 yo workbooks, only the English ones though coz we were in a bit of a hurry and I didn’t see any maths ones (which were probably in their own set further along coz the English and Maths books come in sets of 10 it seems). Might grab the maths books and possibly the handwriting book at a later date, like when I’m Christmas shopping with mum (can about guarantee that will happen).
No we don’t actually expect him to do them (bonus if he can and does), it’s something for him to colour in on the plane and who knows, he may well surprise us.
Think I might have to get him a new box of crayons though, he’s successfully managed to break or lose the crayons we bought him last year. No real surprise there, I wasn’t expecting them to last.
I wonder how age groups work here actually. At compulsory schooling age they easily chop out the kids in the second half of the year by saying they have to be in school or registered for homeschooling by the last Friday of the February of the year they turn 6 years and 6 months, which is 2011 for Tiny, unless I miscounted in my currentl stupid state. Not so sure for kindy and preprimary though. If they work on a “year they turn” case then technically Tiny is eligible for “3 year old kindy” next year as it’s the year he turns 3, even though technically he’ll be 2 next year because he turns 2 at the end of this year. Matter of slight curiousity anyway coz we won’t be sending him.
Pain is bugging me again but it’s nearly 1am, JJ has an early start tomorrow, we’re both sleep deprived and I should probably try to get some Zs in seeing as I have absolutely no idea in anywhere you care to name when the small one will decide to put in an appearance.
Under current conditions presuming the worseness increases in the current increments, I am very confident of surviving til the end of the month.
Beyond that I think I’ll kill me.

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