How things are going
posted on: Thursday, 12 October 2006 @ 2:16pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
Vocabulary is picking up amazingly. This morning JJ asked if I would be all right if he headed off to uni. I did need him to stay, but he needed to get group work done, so I said if he needed to go then go, I’d live, and left it up to him. he chose to go. Tiny noticed he was leaving and said “Don’t leave!” and clung to his leg. He was all right after a while to calmly wave goodbye to Daddy from the futon while watching his kiddie cartoons. He’s stringing things together in ways that should make more sense to other people as well as to the experts who can decipher his language (ie us), things like “No more molk”
He’s been watching TV a little too much lately I think, due to me being pathetic in the morning and JJ wanting him out of the way in the morning so he can get breakfast ready quickly and try to get some work done before heading into uni, assuming he gets that far before assessing whether or not I’m going to cope and going or staying as appropriate. I definitely need to do a lot more with him.
I’ve been puzzling the whole age phenomenom because he’s pretty much on the end of the year. Like this year is “the year he turns 2”. If he wanted to get into Auskick, he would probably be playing as a 4yo because they take kids “the year they turn 5”. Registration for homeschooling needs to be done by the last February of “the year they turn 6 and 6 months” which is technically 2011 coz he turns 6 in 2010. So if I were to send him to 3yo kindy (I have heard of this phenomenom, I have no doubt it has benefits to at least some kids but it still seems like glorified childcare to me) would I send him next year as he turns 3 at the end of next year (assuming of course that I thought he had the maturity level to cope) or am I meant to “keep him back” til the year after when he turns 4 at the end of the year but will be 3 throughout the year? It’s very confusing. Maybe I’m just meant to go with the +6 months thing seeing as the government uses that as a convenient way to group kids into age groups.
I guess the whole kindy thing is a moot point anyway seeing as the same with school, I’m not intending to send him unless he asks.
I’m thinking about eventually trying out the record thing I’m going to be using on the homeschooling site. Need to work out if the table layouts are going to work out and hammer out any bugs with them first seeing as they’re going to be generated by a module. I worked out that the form was actually the hardest part of doing the records, in my head it’s working out to be a really big form. Haven’t put it down on anything else yet. Figured I may as well while Tiny was “kindy age” which was what got me wondering how old one had to be to go to 3yo kindy. Nyeh, I’ll see how I go. But later when I have some thoughts collected. I wonder if this thing allows table tags or whether I should just stick to experimenting with the homeschool site.
I wonder if anyone would be interested in reading the homeschool site and the kind of weird random crap I can come up with. Also wonder if anyone would be interested in a community on it. I kind of whacked some forums on there to see how they would look more than anything, but considering there’s a few mailing lists and all I have to offer is this record keepy thing (once me and JJ get it working to our satisfaction enough to let other people find things wrong with it ;) and whatever else people want, it doesn’t seem likely. Guess I’ll see.
I’ve worked out the contraction/cramp/pain patterns. It take me just shy of the extent of the daylight hours to adapt to them, so I figure they might increase in intensity at night which is why I wake up feeling sorry for myself in the morning. I had a couple of occasions where they picked up during the afternoon and as a result it took me ages to get to sleep at night, then I was fine the next day because they hadn’t increased in intensity. Smidge is doing well, kicking around and carrying on in there as best it can considering its lankiness is taking up the entire uterus. Hell I think the only reason it can move so much is coz my stomach muscles never got back to that wonderfully fit stage I was starting to get them into before I got pregnant with Tiny. Tiny never got to move that much, I’d feel a strong boot or a push every so often at this stage, maybe a flurry of kicks, but nothing like this.
firvulag is just about fully convinced that Smidge will arrive on Sunday. I wouldn’t be surprised. Equally wouldn’t be surprised if labour starts up later, tomorrow, or just to spite me, the pains continue increasing all the way up to the end of this month before anything happens. I am starting to feel confident that I will get to at least next Friday still pregnant though, which is good coz I will be term then and there won’t be a fuss kicked up about having to transfer to a hospital to get checked and all that other messy stuff which I’m not too interested in.
JJ reckons I’m going to get to term and drop the baby then because he wants the birth out of the way as early as possible so he can help out with that critical first couple of weeks. And not die in the process as he has exams coming up next month.
I reckon they can start placing bets again, just coz it would be funny :)

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