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12 Months of Tiny

posted on: Thursday, 29 December 2005 @ 4:40pm in

Holy hell, we’ve been parents for nearly a year O_O To commemorate the cuteness, I’ve picked one (you have no idea how bloody hard that was) photo from each month of his life thus far and present you with:

dad and newborn baby napping

In the first month of Tiny, we knew we were never going to let him go, and a lot of this happened ;)

smiley gummyshark baby

In the second month of Tiny, the gummyshark learned to smile.

baby trying to lift head

In the third month of Tiny, he proved that neck strength wasn’t an issue.

baby using laptop

In the fourth month of Tiny, he was lifting his head with no problems, and starting to show us just how intelligent he was…

baby in highchair with book and toys

In the fifth month of Tiny, he was studying with Daddy. He was also sprouting teeth.

baby wants beer

In the sixth month of Tiny, he was quite keen on Daddy’s beer o_O

baby teething on chicken bone

In the seventh month of Tiny we went to Christmas Island to spend some time with my family. You’d think we never fed him or something. He liked teething on chicken bones.

baby playing with shape sorter

In the eighth month of Tiny, he showed us that shape recognition is easy, but he lacked the dexterity to orient the shape to the hole :)

baby crawling out slidinng door

In the ninth month of Tiny, he gained full mobility and there was no stopping him.

baby eating mandarin slice

In the tenth month of Tiny, the monkeyrat was trying to walk already, and liked getting into everything. He likes fruit.

In the eleventh month of Tiny he was making an extra effort to help around the house.

In the eleventh month of Tiny he was making an extra effort to help around the house.

baby playing with cricket bat

And the twelfth month of Tiny, our beautiful boy continues delighting us with his wonderful personality and cheerful disposition, and amazing us with the speed at which he picks things up.

We are hopelessly proud of him, and love him more than anything XD