posted on: Thursday, 4 August 2005 @ 11:01pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Tiny saw his first rainbow today. JJ took him out to go check the mail, and called me out to have a look as well. He said to me “You should have seen his face light up!” What Tiny had done upon spotting the rainbow was that adorable look of wonderment babies get when they encounter something that makes them happy, he’d lifted his head up a bit, then an open-mouthed gummyshark grin had spread slowly across his little face until he was all happy eyes and big gummyshark grin. JJ tried to imitate to show what he meant and did a not too bad job considering they look similar, but JJ is bigger and has teeth ;)
And just recently JJ said in this sort of almost forlorn little voice “Aww now I want it to rain every day.” To see Tiny’s cute little awe struck expression again :) He said to Tiny “Even when you’re 15 and jaded I’ll still remember that look of wonder on your face.”

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