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hugo notes: selective lazy loading

Wednesday, 22 January 2025 @ 10:32am

In which I flip normal behaviour and make lazy loading images the default and eager loading the thing you have to do unless it’s the first item in a list.

The nonsense I get up to when deciding to try to make everything green on Pagespeed.

I should also point out I have no idea if I’m doing things correctly or not, this is very much a hackjob.

Here I check to see if I wrote loading= when calling the figure shortcode from like so:

January ProgBlog #1: new year, new something

Tuesday, 14 January 2025 @ 10:03pm

And the forever unchanging habit of failing weekly progblogs because I feel bad about not progging enough.

at least this is one of the few times I have the somewhat reasonable excuse of it was silly season and January will still be my planning month because that’s been working out well so far

I have been doing the hair strands in pairs which is one of the reasons why it’s been taking the better part of forever. Doing it in larger groups/rows has previously always ended badly for me. Recently I spat it and decided it’s been a while, let’s just see how we go.

October-December Homeschool Miscellany

Wednesday, 8 January 2025 @ 11:09am

15yo’s cardboard armour had been getting more and more detailed each iteration. I hadn’t seen any for a while and thought maybe he’d finally lost interest in it but one day some parts came in large boxes and suddenly there was more.

15yo modelling armour made out of cardboard and a teatowel

It was quite detailed with individual pieces cut out and taped together (an entire roll of packing tape was used in this endeavour). I think it was a potential practice run for making larger cosplays (he had dreams of making a Space Marine cosplay like the one he’d seen at the Royal Show and then he realised how much effort was involved and that it wasn’t going to be a few hour thing like his previous projects.

July-September Homeschool Miscellany

Tuesday, 26 November 2024 @ 9:34am

15yo apparently only got beaten once or twice in all the rounds he played in his Warhammer tournament and placed (the winner was someone who had been playing a lot longer). We all agreed it was a pretty good outcome for a first tournament.

17yo was able to pass her level 6 badge in the first competition and 19yo got his level 7 badge in the second one (he had missed the first one due to illness and he and his coach decided to risk the do or die in the second competition as if he didn’t get it then, he was out of states). I think most of 17yo’s kids did alright.

April-June Homeschool Miscellany

Wednesday, 13 November 2024 @ 12:27pm

April started with 19yo and 17yo’s first concert. 17yo had found out about a Stardew Valley concert and as she loves the game she asked if we could go. 19yo was interested in coming along for the ride but 15yo refused. However the system wouldn’t let me buy three tickets and forced the purchase of four, so 17yo invited one of her besties (who has not played Stardew Valley and knows nothing about it) along. Bestie came along because she likes classical instruments and is in a school ensemble (I call them baby orchestras).

February/March Homeschool Miscellany

Tuesday, 12 November 2024 @ 11:00am

The rest of the year has just been a blur of trying to keep on top of anything never mind everything.

Most of February and March was 15yo painting Warhammer minis.

primed Warhammer models
Warhammer models with their base coats
completed Warhammer models

We both thought it would be funny for him to do a faux painting pose as seen on the internet.

November ProgBlog #1: neverending story

Monday, 11 November 2024 @ 10:16pm
I have no idea what this video clip was going for

It’s one of those time periods that has been happening more and more lately, where I’ve been feeling slightly melancholy about being another one of those failures that didn’t make it and not from lack of trying.

October ProgBlog #1: hairy frustrations

Tuesday, 22 October 2024 @ 10:46am


Now that I’ve got a hang of it, this bit is going pretty well and relatively quickly (and is also somewhat meditative at best and mind numbingly, agonisingly tedious at worst).

Placing curve hair guides on a model in Blender 4.2

I feel like this is probably a bit overkill but it is mostly working. The first few times I was doing test renders I couldn’t work out why the lighting was so weird and eventually cottoned on to the hairs being too thick. Once that was fixed it looked a lot better but this other problem that I have persisted and that’s a flare I don’t fully understand happening at some point in the render.

The Trend Continues

Friday, 27 September 2024 @ 8:12am

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart we finally made it back to Christmas Island after way too long and this was one of the things sitting under the tree for me from sibling dearest who loves buying Christmas presents.

a pretty Christmas box tied with red ribbons

The gift tag reads:

September ProgBlog #1: learning more hair

Monday, 23 September 2024 @ 11:24pm

Rigify feels a lot easier to work with. Got that going faster than I’m used to, most of the fighting in the setup was not quite understanding how to set up a spline tentacle (which I’m using for the tail), for some reason I thought the entire bone chain needed to have the property set but only the root did. It currently has five middle controllers but I may need more, will have to see how prehensile we get with what I’ve got. And also making sure all the bones were in the right spot after I had to move a few things around to fit the mesh.