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Happy (racy) silly season! (nsfw)

posted on: Tuesday, 01 January 2019 @ 12:38am in

Silhouetted raunchiness, don’t come in if you’re a bit prudish :)

Cut this one fine again but at least I’m usually up late at this time. When I’m in Perth I’m usually up to see in the new year, and then I stay up another hour til it’s new year for Sprat. I’m home for the holidays this year so no real need to stay up the extra hour :)

Mum, Sprat, the girl child and I saw in the new year together in an entertaining fashion, all the men in our family had piked out early XD

No story for this one, it’s late and I’m old.

Hope you’ve all had an awesome silly season and are geared up for a great year :D