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[imported from livejournal and backdated]


He's keen

Tiny's been able to sit assisted since he was about three months old or so. He takes a keen interest in the world around him. He's currently 4.5 months old and he's been more and more assertively interested in this food thing that Josh and I keep eating, as opposed to just passively interested as he was before (when Terry suggested we should just give him a tiny bit of apple juice to give him a taste and to which I responded he has the rest of his life to get tastes and now was not the time).



Quick updates while Tiny is asleep and just before I try to get on with a bit of work before going to bed myself:

  • he's rolling over front to back both ways (hasn't worked out how to go from back to front yet)

  • he commando-crawled forwards a little bit

  • he likes being tossed up and down (well he likes the motion of being lifted up and dropped semi-rapidly, but he's not tossed)

  • he's 8kg or so

There was probably a whole pile of stuff that I wanted to write about but completely unsurprisingly they have all decided to run away and join the navy (or something equally drastic). Should try writing things down when I think of them rather than trying to cram it into my brain along with the rest of stuff I'm trying to think about :)




Zara sitting on a rooftop playing with her blades

Alternate title: Martial Artsy Psychoconcepts as coined by my friend Jeremy :)

Illustration from when the idea was for Perth to be a megalopolis with towering buildings and Zara (who is still one of the best thieves in Perth) is anime armed to the teeth.



[imported from livejournal and backdated]


I Hate Tuesdays

[imported from livejournal and backdated]


Rolypoly bub!

Tao rolled from front to back today!

Of course I missed it. I put him down behind me on the floor on his tummy, turned to respond to Sprat and when i turned bacl he was directly under my chair on his back looking somewhat stunned.

Then the tears coz the horrible cold metal support of the chair was touching his skin.

Can't wait to tell Josh when he gets back from uni, idiot woulda known sooner if he'd bothered to take the mobile with him ;)


Poor baby :(

Tiny's not feeling well :(

Nothing too serious I don't think, just one of those things. He has a bit of the runs and has been wanting to feed lots. I've been feeding him anywhere between every hour to his usual 3 hours. He spent most of yesterday with me asleep (Josh was an absolute sweetie and skipped all his tutes and things to stay home and take care of us, I was sick as well and completely useless), and getting his nappy changed.

When he was awake Josh put him in his sling and wore him while doing his assignment, Tao alternated between watching what Josh was doing and intently studying his cute little fingers and toes. I wanted to take a photo coz it was so damn cute but was too tired to move.


Cute little prissy face

[imported from livejournal and backdated]


Have said it once, will say it many more times

Read on the Alternative Baby forum and then heard on the news while driving back, about some mother who fell asleep with her newborn in the bed and woke up to find it dead.

That in my opinion is one of the worst possible things that could ever happen to anyone.

I feel sad for her.

The thing I'm pissed off about though is how those dumb fucktards in the media (can you tell I have next to no respect for journalists and am concerned about anyone wishing to become one, especially if they are a friend?) sensationlised the shit out of it and everyone's raving on about the dangers of co-sleeping.