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!schooling 0000D25c - E01n | Apr 8-12

Last week and a bit have been slack and uncoordinated partially due to Easter and mostly due to the sleeping pattern going seriously out of whack resulting in myself and the kids going to bed way too late (me because I was staying up late to finish stuff off and also to make sure the bigs were asleep before turning out their light, and them because I have no idea).


Stand back! I'm going to try SCIENCE!

The slogan is from an xkcd shirt.

And that was pretty much what happened today.  I managed to convince the kids to go play outside.  Even Ru who "hates going outside" (or so she claimed today) decided to go out after her little brother (who had been playing inside with her) decided he was going to go outside.  She found her "dinosaur stomach" and started making energon stew for the Autobots.  I had a flash of "why the hell not" and started bringing out stuff.

Stand back! We're going to try SCIENCE!

Creative Commons License


Twisty horns from hell

I'm really glad I'm doing Red first.  After spending six months of manual labour on his horns (because I have no idea how to magically make it work) the other characters (none of which have horns that twist this violently) will seem rapid by comparison.

I also don't think I'm going to forget to model the subpatch cage as close as I can before freezing.  Fortunately for me Red's body structure is not too dissimilar in proportion from the default Dragonkin's, I did end up spending a lot of time on his face trying to get his nose and chin right.

Error message: too many rails specified


!schooling 0000D11c - D15n | Mar 25-29

Additional usage for Minecraft: bribery.


!schooling 0000D04c - 0000D09n | Mar 18-22

Big kids watched several episodes of Backyard Science and consolidated some stuff from previous Scitech lessons and conversational learning.  Ru has started adding bicarb to her cordial to make it fizzy.


!schooling 0000C25c - D01n| Mar 11-15

Week started off pretty slow, with the kids already counting down the days to the next science lesson at Scitech.  Tao drew a 9x9 chart and then added an extra row to make 90, and titled it "Christmas Island chart" as it's supposed to be to count down the days til we go to Christmas Island, or at least til Aunty Loz gets here on holiday as we're supposed to be going back with her (and I can say that now as it's no longer a surprise and the parents know we're coming).  Cub of course tore it accidentally.


Learning Minecraft style

Update 0000D3r: added screenies.

Yesterday, I made a rather irriated G+ post about wasting the entirety of yesterday fighting with Minecraft.  I only call it a "waste" because Minecraft is a game I enjoy with other people, or more specifically with my kids.  I have yet to play it with adults as I'm not into it enough to go finding a server.


!schooling 0000C18c - C22n | Mar 4-9

Bit of a short week this week due to Labour Day public holiday, and also (or perhaps because of that) a little bit disorganised.  We did the zoo on the weekend, spent Monday cleaning the house which was rather festy.  We didn't get around to doing maths bookwork but did some Minecraft related spatial stuff.  Tao's writing is getting neater and he is growing in confidence writing lowercase.  We're getting less freakouts about inability to form letters and other such things.  He's been having nightmares again so I've suggested he turn them into stories.  He's not so sure about writing horror but he has started thinking about stories he might like to write, including a self-insert Pokemon fanfic.  I'm hoping to develop him out of the Mary Sue stage while he's still young, he seems to be starting to grasp the concept of balancing characters.



Cub dressed up as the green ninjaI have this gorgeous little boy.  This one right here.  Recently, he turned 4.

The day he turned 4, I teased Josh about feeling old.  We missed kung fu training so I could cook a sausage stew for his birthday dinner (Josh is perfectly capable of making sausage stew I think, but the kids seem to think he doesn't do it right).  He wanted to go to the zoo on his birthday but because it was on an adults at kids' prices day, we put off to the weekend so Josh could come too.


!schooling 0000C11c-15n | Feb 25 - Mar 01


Tao decided to do Khan Academy for maths, and happily worked through a few addition/subtraction stacks.  After he giggled at me a few times for taking longer than he had to work out the problems, I told Josh that he could supervise at least Tao's maths from hereon (it won't happen as I've said that a few times from about two thirds of the way through last year, and I'm still supervising everything except when I've asked Josh to supervise due to work).  He didn't watch any of the videos as he understood the basics behind the stacks and just needed some assistance with the 4 digit stuff.

Tao's Khan Academy report 2013-02-25

Tao's Khan Academy progress report