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Creepers are the same as TNT

5yo: creepers are the same as TNT just with legs and green and walking.


Duplo tablet stand

5yo likes to watch mocies on his tablets when he's eating alone, but sometimes struggles to hold the tablet up with one hand, and often gets told off for gooping up the tablet if he uses both hands to eat for whatever reason (I've also tried not allowing him to have the tablet while eating but that doesn't always work).  Yesterday after watching 5yo struggling to eat a bowl of pasta while watching a movie, 9yo built him a tablet stand out of Duplo:

Think if being a pro gamer or footy player doesn't work out for 9yo, he could be some kind of engineer.


Webmonkey notes - rails command not working after successful rails install

Latest ruby:

sudo brew update sudo brew install ruby

OSX developer command line tool thingies:

xcode-select --install

Read the EULA and agree if you agree.

Latest sass:

sudo gem install sass -V


sudo gem install rails -V

Why yes I do like to see what's going on.

Edit ~/.bash_profile to include:

export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1/bin:$PATH

so that the system doesn't have a cry about Rails not being installed after it just told you it successfully installed it.


Aviation Heritage Museum of WA and Army Museum of WA photo post

On two different weekends, we hit up the Aviation Heritage Museum of WA in Bull Creek and the Army Museum of WA in Fremantle.  I think the boys got more out of those trips than the girl did so next stop might have to be the Perth Museum (she has a special liking for the butterfly corridor) or Art Gallery and I suppose SciTech or the Zoo can also be considerations, somewhere she enjoys at any rate.  Both these places are great, the guides are extremely helpful and are often floating not far away and are happy to answer everything about everything.

Aviation Heritage Museum of WA - Mar 03


Drupal 7 notes - forms with file field reloading page without going through form validation

I had a problem shortly after setting up ownCloud and Piwik where forms on all of the Drupal sites on my server mysteriously stopped working.

But not all of them, only the ones with a file field.  When hitting the submit button on those forms (and it didn't matter what the form was, the presence of a file field was enough) the form validate wouldn't trigger, the page would simply reload.

After much stuffing around and frustration, I found the problem was related to the max filesize and max upload limits in php.ini were set to 2G.  Changed them to a much more managable 100M and all is well with the world.

Moral of the story: don't mess around with php.ini in the middle of the night after not sleeping properly for two weeks.



The youngest is officially "school age" because someone in their infinite wisdom decided that Preprimary should be compulsory.

We have graduated from babies and toddlers to all "school aged" kids.

I asked him if he would like to go to school this year seeing as he was old enough.  No, he says, "I want to home school."  He pronounced it carefully as two separate words.  He pronounces everything carefully, maybe because he knows he stammers if he tries to talk too fast or feels flustered.  He has a decent vocabulary for 5, I think, probably because he copies a lot of what comes out of the mouths of his siblings (mostly good, some reminds me that I need to watch how I talk to myself).


Webmonkey notes - setting up ssl, Piwik and ownCloud under subdomains on Linode

As per usual part tutorial and mostly notes for me and anything with ridiculous names (e.g. username and domain) means replace with your information.



Unschooly things

Yeh I'm not doing the week by week anymore.

In addition to pocket money, daily bookwork is really good for basics when I'm sick or otherwise blargh from staying up too many late nights in a row and the kids are not (if they are sick they get to veg out and I try to get them to watch docos, we have recently discovered the TED Education Youtube channel and the kids have been consuming the snippets rabidly.  There are full lessons on the TED-Ed website but we haven't really explored there yet.  The animations are short (usually under 15mins) which is perfect for 5yo's attention span, and could potentially skim a huge variety of topics in 2 hours.  Just off the top of my head from passing they've watched clips on the Higgs-Boson field, icebergs, eel migration, vampire mythology, why glass is transparent and the Fosbury Flop.



As he approaches 5, the 4yo has been much less...well...4.  While still prone to bouts of 4 year old raging tantrums, he is much easier to reason with and manage because he listens sometimes.

The attitudes of the bigs hae shifted dramatically from towards the end of last year where I have no idea what was going on (but the stress I was feeling at the time wouldn't have helped) but I was fully prepared to pick up enrolment forms from the primary school down the road.



It's moving at a frightening pace for me as I'm used to doing everything with excruciating slowness.  I love bsurfaces.  It is quite literally the thing that had me giving Blender a go again at that point (previously my Blender attempts were for a couple of weeks once or twice a year, end of last year was a last ditch "this thing is cool so why not let's try it again" and that's when I got it).

Crosshatch retopo with bsurfaces in Blender

Cross-hatching mesh onto the face which I don't do anymore as I eventually found it quicker to just highlight edges and keep extending it rather than constantly merging points (mainly as I don't know how to merge a strip of points)