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New camera, more aquaponics photos

We finally bought a NAS, it's living next to the router (which makes logical sense as it has to plug into the router).  I'm currently copying all the music and photos onto it and will probably delete them off my computer as part of my cleanup process (moving a bunch of Stuff off the 250Gb ssd to the 2Tb sata). 

Moving the iPhoto database was nice and easy (drag, hold down alt when opening iPhoto, selecting where the library had been moved to, delete the original file), and it kind of needed to go elsewhere as it's 53Gb and going to blow out as I'm shooting RAW.

Moving the iTunes library was a bit more of a hassle.  Dragged to new location, changed library reference is preferences, dumped original in bin, restarted to make sure all was good, it seemed to be, so I emptied the trash can.  I think I missed the consolidation step (another reason to not do this when tired) so it had a huge cry about not having a libary to use.  I "opened" the folder I'd moved and now all is well with the world.

The D5000 died on us, Josh was quite determined he was going to stick with film and never getting another digital camera as the thing had only been 2 years old when it stopped working, apparently afflicted by a known and common problem with the D5000s.  The film camera bodies he has (F3 and F4) are still going strong and they're relics from the 1980s.

I i nformed him that I needed a digital camera as I wanted to be able to blog photos shortly after taking them, not a month or so after we'd finished the roll of film and gotten around to getting it developed, and that I was going to buy one of those little point and shoot numbers that would fit in my cargo pockets.

He apparently couldn't cope with the thought, so he bought me a Nikon D70.



Nikond70front (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It's a new-to-us thing and came with a Sigma lens (though I'm going to swap it out for my favourite which is an 18-55 that came with the D5000 and Josh doesn't think much of it) and a rather beat up old bag.  I'm now on a quest for a bag that will haul the camera, my laptop, wallet, phone and some miscellany, and I've also finally been able to take more photos of the aquaponics setup.


Anthro gadgets

Quick and dirty 3hr job of my gadgets, 1hr sketching last night and 2hrs slapping colours and a noise texture on earlier tonight.

ajana (big one that's supposed to be silver with tentacles and three eyes): Apple 27" iMac
symbiote (small one that's supposed to be white): Apple 13" MacBook
djinn (small black one): Apple iPhone 3GS
djuno (big black one with antennae): Asus Transformer


Sprat does not share my scss enthusiasm

bek 6/04/12 10:23 PM
hee hee other cool thing with sass, i do this:

@mixin inline-block {
 display: inline-block;
 margin: 0 -2px;
 vertical-align: top;

and then when i need things inline-blocked etc (in a few places) i do:

#container {
 .stuff-what-needs-inlining {
   @include inline-block;

Darqx 6/04/12 10:24 PM
i look at that and see what looks to be php mixed with css and want to run away screaming


css notes: fixed middle fluid outer column

Also known as: I'm a blithering idiot.

I spent way too long overthinking this problem and only finding solutions with floats (I have very specific cases where I'll use floats for layout, also I could have missed anything that didn't use floats for layout as I was stupidly staying up way too late when working on this). The way to do it is actually embarrassingly easy. I'll be using it for the header and footer (after I've installed Sassy, prepro and phpsass).

header showing divs for 3 col layout for a fixed width middle and fluid outer columns

The above image is a screenshot of the header image on my local as seen in Opera (because it was the only one that showed the outlines regardless of the z-index).  The middle columns are 950px wide (specifically set in the footer due to it being a background image, not set in the header as the image isn't backgrounded and the div sizes itself to it).

What I specifically needed was for the continuation images to start from the edges of the middle div (the left continuation image of the header and both footer continuations are uneven) and stretch to the edges of the container (which is the same width as the browser window, however wide that may be).


Malay, lojban, and pocket money for bookwork


F=Faham (Photo credit: :Salihan)

Not "versus" because it's not a contest.  Not really.


theAbysmal Calendar Drupal module

I think it's done now.

  • fixed an issue where the years weren't being calculated properly (?!)
  • I may be slightly out of sync with the official documentation, at least according to the tests I've done on my local so far.  This year should match up, and so will key dates (New Year Day and Leap Day).  I've shifted leap years to fall on multiples of 4 so calculating would be a simple case of if mod 4 is 0, it's a leap year, if mod 128 is 0, it's not a leap year, so some of my years will be a day or two out

name = theAbysmal Calendar description = Converts Gregorian date to theAbysmal date core = 7.x package = Date/Time



Simplistic musings on cats and dogs, or ramblings about why pet shops shouldn't sell them

I have this bias towards cats and dogs in this piece, because I've only ever shared a house with cats and dogs. 

Staffy X rotti and staffy X mastiff squished up in the same dog bed

Fenrir and Taliesin bunking in

My random thought that triggered the blat was that Josh is not going to let me have any more cats.

Pile of five cats snoozing on the couch

Clockwise from top: Ghost, Sanguine, Graymalkin, Darkness, Itti Bitti Kitti


Why I prefer contacts to glasses

The optometrist strongly recommended I get emergency glasses.  Just get the cheapest pair, keep them in the drawer, and in the unlikely event I get an eye infection I can wear them.  Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them and all.

So I bought a cheap set of frames and got the lenses made and and picked them up earlier today.

The family were quite keen to see me in them, so I took my contacts out and whacked the glasses on.

Holy hell.

I am suddenly reminded why I hated wearing glasses.  I reckon they wrecked my eyes to begin with.  I always refused to wear them when I was a kid, until one day where I got told off by a teacher and told that if I didn't wear them (despite the fact they were giving me the worst headaches) I would end up with glasses with lenses as thick as the bottoms of coke bottles because I'd strain my eyes so badly.


Musings on The Cloud


clouds (Photo credit: Extra Medium)

And Zemanta gives me pretty cloud pictures like this one.

I'm actually talking about that cloud computing "fad" (seen the term tossed around to describe it, wonder if it's a fad like Facebook and the internet in general is a fad).


Fun with static electricity and other things

Just randomly (and because they asked nicely), we decided to go down to the park at the end of the road on bladei (okay, fine, Thursday, to be followed up by a trip to City Farmers to stock up on roo meat and mutton, and more flea meds).

The day was lovely, and of course I hadn't brought the camera, missed out on some awesome shots.  I really need to buy something that will cart just the camera with my favourite lens attached, don't really need the monstrosity that is Josh's camera bag (I have enough crap to haul as is).

While Cub slid down the slide, I heard that distinctive crackle as his clothes charged up with static electricity.  Then he ran back up the slide and grabbed onto the metal frame up the top to assist his ascent.

CRACK! "OW!" The surprise on his face was adorable.