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May ProgBlog #3: meh

There's been a few sucky days and it's basically not going to improve until I can get one specific task out of the way and I'm getting seriously annoyed with the blocker.

Once done I'm not dealing with it again.

On the bright side, there has been a number of great days (if busy) because my parents are up, so everything is generally going to be great once this mess is over and done with.

And then with some luck I'll start making appreciable progress again x_x

I'm finally onto the feet of the reeeeeeeeeeeeeetopo.

not too far off done with Zara retopo in Retopoflow in Blender 2.92


May ProgBlog #2: that feeling when

The problem with hands, is that I keep ending up with a Moebius strip despite my best efforts.

glaring at hand retopo in Retopoflow on Blender 2.92

(this is not technically a Moebius strip, it's just the same feeling I get when you're tracing one; for the Home Edders, Moebius strips are a fun activity, get the kids to cut out a strip of paper, half-twist one end, tape the ends together and tell them to draw a line on either the inside or the outside but not both)


May ProgBlog #1: reeeee

I'm not sure if the rererererereretopo (I have no idea anymore) is any better than the previous one.

head retopo using Retopoflow in Blender 2.92

Probably a bit hard to see the original wireframe in black under the new white wireframe.  My current problem is trying to work out how to connect the arms and if there's enough polys there.  I love the Contours tool.  I love all the tools.  Have I mentioned how much less horrible Retopoflow makes retopology XD


AER Cameo: Beard


  That was literally what @holoz0r asked for.  I'm terrible at facial hair so...

AERverse bearded dragon not a real bearded dragon

I made a bearded dragon x_x

I think it evolved the crazy tail for prey trapping purposes.  Also tried out using the tilted pencil brush as @veryspider apparently liked using it quite a lot.  I can kind of see why but unlike some people I can't draw.


April ProgBlog #3: oh snap.

There is a snap 3 day lockdown which my parents have arrived just in time for, and my newfound problems with the snapping tool in Blender.

I'm mildly annoyed about it because I won't be able to train or go see my parents over the weekend.

I've gotten onto retopologising Zara.  I know I said I wanted to animate first but I realised when I was rigging Red that I'd stuffed up some bits in the rig so needed to rerig Zara anyway and figured I may as well retopo and rebake seeing as I have to rerig.

patches tool in Retopoflow 3.1.0 in Blender 2.92


April ProgBlog #2: Blender 2.92 notes - library overrides

I spent what I could of the week and the weekend just gone (including staying up way too late which I want to get out of the habit of but I'm really feeling an insane amount of time pressure at the moment) trying to figure out how I was going to set up linked library overrides through files to have the characters set up how I want.

Because of course it wasn't straight up just linking things in and having them work, that would be too easy (and also some incredible magic under the hood but you know I had to try).

Currently my plan (to some value of "plan" is:

idea for how to set up asset library thing for Blender 2.92


March Homeschool Miscellany

I would love to say things are picking up but they're really not.  Issues are abounding, some of them standard teenage ones, some of them teenage politics I thought we might have a prayer of avoiding if we avoided using the school system (very naive thought there, because to completely avoid it I guess we'd have to exist in an insular community with only mostly like-minded individuals), a lot probably stemming from the other thing even though we're trying to both ignore it and deal with it as much as possible.

The smalls had a bit of an arty month.  12yo actually sat still long enough to twine a piece of blutack around a skewer (in fairness there was some mild distraction as he was watching Youtube at the same time and just wanted to do something with his hands while doing so) and in a completely separate session also started drawing DnD item and magic cards while waiting for a box that he'd bought to arrive.


April ProgBlog #1: Blender 2.92 notes - slightly updated particle hair rig

Finally fought through the painful lag and got rid of all those stupid spikies.

Blender 2.92 particle hair unconvincing ponytail

This is the most unconvincingly tied ponytail in the history of the known universe and my brain is spazzing between not caring anymore and freaking out because it doesn't look how I want. It's driving me to drink.

Not really, I just happened to have Midori and lemonade on my desk at the time.

I am seriously tossing up between investigating something like Hair Tool and just waiting longer for the new hair system to drop.

Then I forgot how to rig hair -_-


March ProgBlog #3: do you really wanna live forever

Title just because I was listening to Youth Group: Forever Young.  I don't know about forever (that's a pretty bloody long time) but I definitely want to live long enough to get all these stories out (also a pretty bloody long time, probably longer than I've got, which is why I'm constantly semi-joking about cures for aging).

Today was a coding day and I started off strong (and a bit late) and then the outlaws came round to hang out (and cleaned because they can't help themselves, not that I'm complaining XD).  Got back into coding (for slightly too long) but made some good progress (for me, learning, so a lot of the stuff is mindlessly, laughably easy for people who know what they're doing) like figuring out how vue-router works.


March ProgBlog #2: Just Don't Feel

I've been having a major case of don't wanna all weekend.  Part of it is from exhaustion (there was some ridiculousness to deal with which ended up with me going to bed very late and then waking up very early the following morning as I'm stubbornly continuing to try despite constantly failing to get closer to JJ's schedule).  So everything has been moving ridiculously slowly because I really don't want to do it so I've been playing stupid phone games instead.

I really, really hope the new hair system in Blender is a metric boatload better (and faster) than what I'm doing now.

this is exasperating