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Post-zoo entertainment

A reddish "mutant hibiscus" at the Perth Zoo.  Don't know what it realy is, it reminded me of a hibiscus :)We hit up the Perth Zoo today, and I finally got around to getting the zoo membership passes.  So now we can visit regularly without it costing an arm and a leg! We inadvertantly stayed there the whole day too.  Maybe it was the cart.  I've been avoiding going on the "adult and kids' prices" days because it's always packed out, on the other days it's fine and we can always get a cart.  Then the kids can hitch rides whenever they're feeling a bit tired and we don't end up walking over half the zoo before they're complaining of being tired.

The zoo visit was a zoo visit, the kids loved every minute of it, and the mother in law and I were tired out pulling them around in a cart.  One of the highlights of the trip was seeing a mutant hibiscus (I have no idea what it actually was, that's what it looked like to me) and a numbat which apparently didn't come out much.  The numbat not only came out, it quite happily traipsed around the place completely not minding our presence.


#bitz_n_peeces - the life and times of an irc channel

It's the end of an era, ending a chapter of my life, or something equally dramatic.

After many years of operation, I finally pulled the plug on #bitz_n_peeces.  I wasn't sure if I'd feel emo about it, or if it would be just another thing.  I'm feeling a little from column A, a little from column B.  I'm a little sad that it's come to an end, but ending it was not a bad thing.


Tracking and running and happy. Oh my.

Earlier this morning, Tali and I headed out to Lumen Christi for the TrackWest Open Day.  We did a few tracks instructed by a trainer.  First time tracking the poor pup was confused as he had me plus the trainer handling, and new equipment, long lead and harness, but he found Tao sitting behind a chair in the middle of the wide open oval with no drama after a hesitant start.

Apparently he came after me in the next few tracks with much more enthusiasm and didn't notice the harness.

So it was fun, and I'm interested.


Drupal 7 notes - putting submenus in different places from the parent menu while keeping your active-trail

By default, when you set up a child menu, it appears directly under and slightly indented from the parent item.  Occasionally, there is a need (such as with the kiosk I'm currently working on for the Christmas Island Tourism Association) where you need an active-trail but the menus need to be in different regions.

Rather trying to do everything with blocks in regions I found it easier to dump code in templates.

      $main = menu_navigation_links('main-menu', '0');
      echo theme('links__system_main_menu', array(
        'links' => $main,
        'attributes' => array(
          'id' => 'main-menu',
          'class' => array('links')


Dear "child free" people

I appreciate the fact that you seem to think you're doing the environment a huge favour by not proliferating your genes all over the place, what with the human species hitting 6 or 7 billion and climbing at a rate of knots despite countries claiming declining and aging populations and their respective governments desperately trying to bribe people to breed.

I find it great that if you don't want kids, that you're not bowing to the ridiculous traditions of society to get married and have them anyway because it's something to do on some checklist that someone seems to have invented as a measure of a "successful" life.


Gnarus concept - quick and dirty to play with the Cintiq

Quick and dirty colour concept of Gnarus

Done while I was testing out my new toy.  This was actually done the first day I got said new toy (Wacom Cintiq 12WX which I will review later after I've used it a bit more), thought I better get over myself and just post, incomplete and dodgy looking notwithstanding :)

I'm too used to painting anthros, I gave him way too much fur.  These are the "undercoat" layers, I hid the top coats.  More therio, less anthro, so not so much fur! I think I need to start the fur over and work out how exactly I'm going to deal with it as he has a puffy tail.

This is a paintover of a friend as photographed by my husband after I told them to go make me some stock photos.  Gnarus' appearance is based on the friend in question, although Gnarus is a lot shorter :)


Just a milk bar

Due to Josh taking an impromptu nap at an inopportune time and not waking up in between me leaving to take the dogs for a long walk and getting back from taking the dogs for a long walk, we got Chinese from the Golden Castle Chinese Restaurant down the road last night.

It would have taken just as long to cook in the end but anyway.  The food is good.  One of the dishes Josh got was prawns for himself and Tao (mostly, as I'm allergic and Ruan doesn't like them, and Cub gets to have one).

Tao joked about slipping me a prawn, I casually responded, "Do you want me to die?"

It wouldn't happen as I'm not anaphylactically allergic to them, I just get rashes and very sick.

Ruan was horrified.  "NO! You give me and Leo booby!"

Nice to know people care ;)


Three decades, and some dolls

I recently hit three decades.  I spent most of the actual day finishing up the coding for the site that's going on the kiosk Sprat and I are doing for the Christmas Island Tourism Association and cleaning for the party on the following day.

Ruan requested the whiteboard so I took it down for her, and little arty girl knocked herself out drawing on it.  Tao came in to me at one point asking how to write an F.  I explained it as like an E but without the bottom line (and previously I've described the E as a backward 3 as that's how he was writing it, just straighter).  Later he very excitedly came out and asked me to come look at something he'd done for me.

I obliged.

"Happy birthday" as sounded out by my 6yo

I didn't think it was too bad an effort for sounding out "happy birthday".  That squiggle on top of it is a heart drawn by Ruan, copied from the blue one above it that I drew at her request and she coloured in.


Loves long walks in the bush and fig jam

Walking distance down the road from my place is Pioneer Park.

Screen shot from Google maps showing the walk, because it didn't occur to me that it would be in an iframe and I'm currently too lazy to allow iframe code

It's marked "A" on the map.  Josh and the kids went there to pick figs.  I decided to take the dogs (and the toddler, who had to come with me as Josh was taking his car) for a bush walk.

A good, long, decent bush walk.  On a subsequent walk along this trail, I went past this huge expanse of open area Tao and I had reached before we'd walked up to the road and walked home as it was getting close to dinner time (but not dark yet, because it's summer in Perth and it doesn't get dark til 7:30-8pm).

This time I kept going and after I walked under this really high bridge for a very wide road, I decided to check with the trusty iPhone to see where the heck I was.

It told me Tonkin Highway.  More specifically, it reckoned Tonkin Highway where it crossed over Albany Highway.  I was walking along the river so follow the big green snake.  Got some photos with the crappy camera on my iPhone, might have to head back that way with Josh's camera.  Also, was busy keeping an eye on a certain toddler.


Drupal 7 notes - Hiding unwanted form elements in comment forms

Just so I don't drive myself completely insane again.

It's a fairly standard theming problem, you have your Drupal comment form rendering thusly:

Drupal comment form (in WANLN theme)

Your site is set to not allow posting by anonymous users, rendering the "Your name" field superfluous and you think the subject line looks ugly, is unnecessary or you just don't want users giving their comments subjects for whatever reason.

In Drupal 6, you do it like this.  In Drupal 7, it's easier but harder to find.  They're in the docs, but the docs are a bit of a mess still.