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October ProgBlog #3: normal madness

Something along these lines.


Along with my usual "I don't really feel like I've done enough to be worth a progblog" silliness, it's been a crazy few weeks.  Sprat came up late for her yearly holiday after being uncertain about whether she'd be able to come up at all (she normally comes during the July school holidays) and did all the Christmas shopping, which basically meant hitting the shops almost every day for a couple of weeks.  She eventually managed to get it all done.

Then this weekend I had to supervise a weekend long teenager party (long annoying story). 


October ProgBlog #2: contains an attempt at Blender 2.9 bake notes

A bit of unexpected chaos happened on Friday and it kind of wiped me out.

And then it was followed by a kind of busy weekend.

Which of course means being up kind of late Sunday night (right now) trying to bang out a progblog like people actually care about or even understand my delirious blender rambling XD

This week's shenanigans involved trying to get the perfect bake once I figured out how to bake.  I could not get the perfect bake and I suspect it's either something to do with my cage mesh or blender is super aggressively caching something or some combination thereof.  So in the interests of getting the hell on with it I managed to blunder my way to a good enough bake and hopefully I'll figure it out down the line.


October ProgBlog #1: rig testing

Missed a week again, oops :S I was supposed to post on the weekend I posted the last songpic but stuff happened, just not that.

Over the last week I finally managed to finish the retopo and apparently it has 8k odd faces with the mirror modifier, more once the subd modifier gets turned on, and probably more again when I get around to applying the mirror modifier which will probably be pretty soon (after I version save XD).  I then chucked a rig in it and tried it out.



Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light

shooting star songpic

Too many gloomydoomers on my hive feed plus listening to Owl City: Shooting Star on loop results in fyn taking too long a break from retopo (this while mildly indfuriating is perfectly normal as fyn usually has to do what art brain says or bad things happen).


So this is my "it will be okay, keep going, you're doing great, we can make things better" because doing this kind of thing is easier than talking XP

so yes that's a self-indulgent selfie at the top


September ProgBlog #3: retopo home stretch 2 the sequel

In the spirit of failing to do more in the same amount of time, I ended up having to clean out the art cupboard (a job I've been studiously avoiding for the last 5 years, I also bought a cube shelf for it that fits a bit more perfectly than I thought it would) and will over the next week or so probably have to sort out the rest of the crap that I've been putting off and should have probably done during covid except that I took the opportunity to go hard on this thing instead.

On the bright side the art cupboard looks organised now and I can't even share photos because trying to get photos off my phone is apparently incredibly difficult for linux.


Super loose outline for pharmacy/biomed/biotech that spans as long as you want for homeschoolies

This was written for my 15yo who hates bookwork but has grudgingly accepted that that's how some things have to be learned.  It was written to squeeze in once a week but ideally should probably be done every day (he is trying at least XD).  If you're a bit more enthusiastic you can substitute the ORs for ANDs.

not sure chemicals are supposed to be mixed like that



Two pages out of each workbook


one section out of each of the following Khan Academy courses:


September ProgBlog #2: retopo home stretch

The last week has been more about trying to fit more stuff in, so work hours keep getting cut more and more and more (because apparently I shouldn't be cutting sleep for some reason).

And then on Friday my problem shoulder exploded (either pinched a nerve or it decided to become a frozen shoulder, I will find out which presently I guess) because I had the audacity to...stretch (literally all I did was stretch upwards).  By evening I was popping painkillers (I don't take painkillers because I have an irrational aversion to them) so I could run kids to places they needed to be, yesterday it was less bad and today it's less bad again but still there and still occasionally annoying.


September ProgBlog #1: playing with retopo addons

Those twisty horns from hell are so-called because they gave me a hard time when I was sculpting, a hard time the first time I was retopologising and a hard time this time round too but I got there eventually.

retopo in retopoflow in Blender 2.8

I started off using speedretopo.


August ProgBlog #5: insane in the membrane

It's the little things.

I keep getting told not to worry about the tiny little details, because no one will ever notice them.  I do sometimes (depending on how long I'm staring at something that I didn't make).  I'm reasonably certain that people might not notice the little details when they're there, but will definitely notice them or at least pick up something "wrong" when they're not.

Depending on the style of the artwork of course.

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself when I'm obsessing about all those little details.

And even if nobody else knows or cares, I know and I care, and in the end I'm doing this thing for me first and if anyone else likes it, that's a bonus for me XD

And this is why, gentle readers, I am zoomed in this freaking close fixing up the wing membranes.


August ProgBlog #4: more fingers

Finally got done with the hands (or at least as done as I can be/am prepared to do).

I really hope I don't regret the decision to try and fix some of the more finicky things in the normal map later x_x

finished sculpting the hands (to some value of finished)

This is actually the right hand.  I usually work on the left side because I manage to get in my own way less on that side.  I am showing off the right hand because I had to hide the right arm so I could start working on the wings.