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January ProgBlog #3: this again

I really don't like repeating work.  As a result it was super easy for me to get distracted world building for a playtest of that system I made (it's currently called Skill Monkey because the way I designed it, eventually long running characters will probably have a very long list of Skills).

image 226


January Progblog #2

I am going to do the down in two systems and I am most likely going to regret it.  The big downy feathers (which aren't called that but I can't remember what they're called) were finished not long ago, they are topside and underside but they look pretty much the same.

image 223

The render actually isn't terrible at a distance.

image 222

Different story up close x_x I need to fiddle with the strand thickness and number.


January Progblog #1: first one for the year

And I very nearly missed it (okay technically I did miss it coz it's now after midnight but shhh x_x) because I'm trying to get used to a modified schedule and there was a bit of stuff on today and also the usual not being sure if I should bother postinng because I don't feel like I've made enough progress.

But first one of the year and I am trying to get back into the habit of weekly progblogs.

I actually didn't get to do much art last week as I spent most of it rejigging schedules and the Obsidian vault I use as a journal/organiser/thing (I'm still in the middle of modifications, it's a work in progress and changes whenever I discover a new process or shiny or they put in something new) and trying to sort out and organise things for this year, or at least first term.


Happy Silly Season 2022

Four teenagers in a car, one of them being stupid and dangerous and standing up

Alternate title: FREEDOM!

Which is probably what Zara was screaming into the wind.

Don't do what Zara is doing, it's very stupid and dangerous.

And Megan's seatbelt is currently not effective so don't do that either XD

And the pod windscreens are actually HUDs and Dakarai is looking at a rear view thing but the HUD can only be seen from inside the pod.  The HUD is probably also screaming about an unrestrained passenger.


December ProgBlog 1: here we go again

I don't think I've ever had a last month of the year run according to any semblance of a plan and that may or may not have something to do with my persistent delusion that I can somehow continue doing the same thing plus all the extra time consuming things in the same amount of time.

Pro-tip: it never works.

The end of year display was great, and I had the "brilliant" idea to film the whole thing (I did get permission from the head coach to do it first) and edit them all together.

My camera work (the camera was my phone) was shaky and awful and the position I was in was the best I could do at the time but definitely was not the best.  But to get better I'd need a multiple camera setup in some interesting locations and I don't have multiple cameras.  The sound in the recording was also muddy so I had to overlay some tracks.


November ProgBlog

I got a little busy.


October ProgBlog #1: potential end to the eternal note slog

Title I should be using if I cared about SEO: one way to use Obsidian to manage creative writing projects.

Apologies in advance, I accidentally upsized some of the images in this because I forgot an important character in the mogrify command, and I am too lazy to redo those screenies.

A "short" history

Once upon a time, I used to be a total pantser.

And then I started this project.

in 2003 I believe

And continued to try to pants because that's what I'd always done, until i realised that I actually needed to know everything that was going on.


September ProgBlog #2: new hair

Not sure what has been going on with Manjaro or whether it's just my sense of time that's been warped, but there seems to have been a longer than usual period between updates. I've been waiting for Blender 3.3 for a while as that has the new hair system in it, but Manjaro refused to update.

I found out at some point during these shenanigans that the new hair system was actually in 3.2 which is the version the Manjaro repo is stuck on, but wasn't appearing for me

I finally got it to do a system update by force-refreshing the mirrors, but still don't know if that did it or if an update was coming out then anyway.

Either way it didn't matter because the app that I desperately wanted to update didn't get updated. So I caved and got the snap version working.


September ProgBlog #1

The  completionist in me is somewhat annoyed that I didn't get the September Powerbee.  I must have done it too early in the morning or something stupid like that (I did it around the same time as I usually do but my "around" tends to be an hour or so).

Oh well.

My parents have been over and seem to have decided to do a lot of tours this time round (probably because an uncle and his family are also over), and invited us out on a number of them.  It's been great because it's stuff we either haven't done for a few years or may not have had an opportunity to do so, and hopefully we've crammed enough stuff in to make up for the last couple of months.


August ProgBlog #3: particle feathers and hair, oh my

I think I've finished the first light and shadow layers for the Eladrin. 

image 124

It went pretty quick, I don't know how long it actually took as while Toolsday is the day for it, there was a bit going on.

I was talking to Sprat about having difficulty with feathers (because I'm trying to do Zara's head feathers better) and that I didn't have a feather generator. Then it occurred to me to see if one existed and apparently one does.